Tuesday, January 27, 2009

To take the sewing machine or not..that is the question!

Here's the classic quilter's dilemma...

If there were a chance of a holiday for 3 days in a gorgeous holiday house that may perhaps look like this....
Would you consider taking the sewing machine?
I really would be happy with some hand work, like this
lone star that needs appliquing and a baby quilt that needs binding...
if my Dh was coming on the holiday the whole time!
But because he is only coming down whenever he can spare a moment, then taking the machine is tempting me sorely. I could get the binding on the lone star, get another binding on a half finished one...all in the kids down time.
Then I would have a few things to go into May Britt's finishing challenge that i am meant to be a part of.
But I am not sure i am brave enough to face the possible storm that is my family over sewing on holiday....which is actually my holiday too!!!
What would you do?
It is meant to be the hottest week for a hundred years in the coming week, you can probably look forward to a few more pics like this....
DN Millie
Ausiie beach cricket-maybe we could win that!
and maybe a finish or two!
Have a good day, Tracey


  1. If DH is there, then no machine, but if he's not going to be there the whole time then take the machine - it'll be too hot for handwork.

    Let's not talk about the cricket, my co-workers are insufferable at the moment...

  2. I dislike heat and couldn't stand the quilts touching me. I'd leave the machine and permanently place myself in or near water with a gallon jug of ice tea at the ready!

  3. Oh....I'd probably take the machine. No one says you have to use it right? BUt you would have it if the mood struck. Have a good trip!

  4. If there's no DH then take the machine. You don't have to use it when he's there

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. I would probably stick to the hand sewing so I could be more portable on the vacation. If it were just gals I would say take it!!

  6. If this were my holiday I would want to at the very least have a hand project along, but most of all I would want to be on that lovely beach as much as possible, playing and swimming. Beach campfires after dark and then early to bed so I can rise with the sun and repeat all over again. Sigh, because you are not me, lol, you should bring that machine along and sew if you want to! It is you vacation too! :D

  7. Tracey, it's your holiday too, so do what makes you happy.

  8. hmmm tough call.. I think I'd take the machine but only if there is space for it in the car.. and to be honest, I take sewing projects on holidays, even quilting retreats, and seldom sew a stitch!


  9. I'd say leave the machine at home . . . that's a lot of work to take it along when you are not sure you will use it. Playing with the hand work will be plenty relaxing and the machine will keep at home until you return *s*

  10. would take the machine and if you got the chance it would be there. If you dont take it you would be probably thinking I wish I had of brought my machine with me, I could have done this or this or this..............

  11. Nah, hand sewing. I lug my stuff everywhere and never usually end up touching half of it.

  12. take quilting books to read, and spend some time exploring (if there's anything to explore). And lots of time sitting in a chair soaking up the sunshine. With a tall glass of lemonade!

  13. Tracey.....I agree with Lori, take some great books and paper to design on then sit on the beach and enjoy the holiday. Have a great time, Barb

  14. No machine - too hot!

    Did you ever post those blocks?

  15. Can I come too? Then we wouldn't need any sewing, we could just have fun!

  16. What the heck, take the hand work and the machine, just in case.... :)
    Great pics of the kids playing criket on the beach looks like their having a ball... Have fun on you 3 day 'retreat' looking forward to seeing what UFO's you poclish off...

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  17. Hmm been there done that. Personally I take hand sewing cause everyone would throw a major wobbly if I tried to use the sewing machine in the bus - plus it's (the sewing that is) portable. If I don't want to walk somewhere I sit in the car/bus/on a seat and keep myself nicely occupied. However if I was to stay in such lovely accomodation as you are I would definately take the sewing machine. Why not when you can be comfortable under the a/c and sew like mad while the kids are otherwise occupied. Have fun on your holiday.

  18. Hand work if you have it, otherwise, take it, just in case. You don't have to use it, but depending on your own personality, may be sorry.

    You never know when a storm hits, or hail (ha ha), snow (huh?) 8-)

    I find having my machine is some kind of mood insurance.

  19. I vote (for what it's worth) to enjoy your family every second you have on this holiday and bring just the hand work!


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