Friday, January 23, 2009

Sorting and keeping memories...

Sorting through your stuff and tidying up for the New Year is great fun and you find lots of great stuff, but it does have it's downside.

My boy and I did his room, finding 3 garbage bags of stuff for new homes and the Op shop.

My girl then caught the bug and has sorted through every shelf and drawer and thrown out about an equal amount.

-And there's the more and more clothes come flying out the bedroom door to the "no further use" passageway, you really realise they are growing up. We were a bit sad about a lot of the things she had grown out of but at one point we were both standing in the passage holding pyjama leg each and saying, "ohhh, not the Pepe le Pew pj's!!"

I have kept some of her clothes over time for posterity, but couldn't really justify Pepe pj's so I raced over the the sewing room, dug through the chenille stash and put together a little throw... perhaps you should don your sunglasses now!!

Then the design consultant cum pj owner wanted something groovy in the middle, I tried the circles, she said not enough pink, so we have now moved to the pink flower on top!

I like the shabby chenille look, but can't believe how hard it is to make yourself sew the wrong sides together instead of the right. Seemed pretty easy to do that when i was trying desperately...and probably futilely .... to pass sewing class at High School!

Has served 2 purposes, reduced the "sew it...don't find a space for it" stash in the sewing room by another metre and kept a lasting reminder of the pj's. Now how do I just freeze the kids for posterity and stop this rapid growing up???

Jelly wares Jodie was the lucky winner in my comment prize, she had some great recycling ideas for sewers, well done Jodie...and congratulations on the lovely new addition of Millie niece shares that beautiful name.

Jodie may get sent some of these folded notecards..

Or even a desk calendar........

.........Which would you like the best????

Off to the beach, have a great day, Tracey


  1. I love the chenile throw. The colors are zippy and totally fun. That was a great product of a job well done.

  2. I love the memory quilt. Its so hard to stop them growing up. I still have trouble buying bigger clothes that they would fit into. I keep thinking that they are the size that I brought last year. i must stop and think next time.

  3. Love the memory quilt. They grow up way too fast, don't they?

  4. Hi Tracey, so good to see all the chooks are still there and doing well. Sounds like you and offspring are also*VBS*
    I love the remake of Pepe garment, seems a perfect way to handle it, and something useful in the process.
    Take good care of you, hugs, Finn

  5. Love the throw. I tried to freeze my kids years ago and they are now in their 40s so it doesn't work. Now I'm trying to freeze the grandchildren but they keep growing too. I used to tell them I'd put bricks on their heads to keep them small. Sigh. Maybe the great grandchildren when they come....

  6. Tracey
    it is sad when they grow up into beasts (aka teenagers).. it doesn't seem that long ago they were ankle biters and here they are, well mine are, lookin' down on you! my 'baby' is 15 next month.. (my other 'baby' is going to high school on Wednesday).. I am OLD.. WAH!!!
    I love the calendars, what a unique gift for a quilty friend!

    PS I love your recycled quilt, the colours pop reminded me of fruit tingles for some reason!

  7. When you work out how to freeze the kids please let me know.

    The desktop calendar!

  8. The chenille throw is awesome. You continue to inspire me to sew down my stash :)

  9. Your memory quilt is wonderful! It is hard to realize they are really growing up.... The cards are very cute.

  10. I love the thrifty quilt Tracey!!!! The bright colours look just perfect... Thank-you so much for picking me as the winner of your thrifty giveaway... It's so hard to choose which prize I want more, they're both as fantastic as each other so I'm going to have to leave the decision up to you... :) Can't wait to see what you decide... Hope you had fun at the beach...

    Jodie :)

  11. Yes we have done the try everything on in the cupboard and throw out what doesn't fit.........I hote throwing out the special things......but sometimes we just need to do it......the quilt looks good......bright but good......

  12. Hoarding, it is in our nature not to throw away those thing that have bought us so much love and comfort. Your talents have been well spent on the quilt it will be around for a long time.

  13. Love the pj/quilt idea. Its hard watching them grow up. I've kept a few select pieces trying to decide what to do with them. I had thought some dolly/teddy quilts, double sided. They won't take up much room and we can still have the memories. I'm getting more brutal in my clean ups, usually when it comes to clothes if I have photos in particular items I've decided this is enough and can justify giving things away a lot more easy. Though now with a little girl, the pretty dresses are going to be harder to pass on than a boys t-shirts.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!