Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sewers are the new in-crowd....and comment prize!

So, at school...were you cool? Were you part of the in-crowd? Were you always hip and happening?

If you were, then good on you....

I wasn't, but don't start sobbing, i was totally happy with my own, similarly situated friendship group and we had an awful lot of fun getting to know the new and perhaps more unusual kids who floated in and out of our experience NEVER shared by our "it" crowd.

But, big news has appeared in the main paper for our state.... I ...(and most of you, I would imagine) now cool!

Alright, they may not have said my name but they mean "US"!!

The Domestic Goddess who has chooks, veggies, composts, cooks and SEWS is the new in thing!

So this cute little egg and, Heaven forbid, meat producing duck of mine is as trendy as a pair of Carrie Bradshaw shoes! Who knew?

I am not sure that you can read the 'What's in' and 'out' sections, but basically everything thrifty and domestic is what the in crowd is doing. You can go to this link for more info.. and no, the girl is not actually me!

Of course, i will sleep so much better now knowing I have achieved an upper level niche (lol), but what i would really like to know is one of your favourite hints or tricks as a sewer for being environmentally friendly...a reuser or recycler. I suppose mine is using all the op shop chenille quilts, pre-quilted bedspreads and shirts to make a range of things...what is yours-and you can be as specific or general as you like. I would imagine there may even be some nice cards..or a bag for a lucky suggestion.

Good luck to all of you cool girls! Looking forward to seeing your ideas on this.


  1. I read that article before we left and had the same sort of thought - all of these fabulous blogs I read are written by the groovy chicks of our adulthood.

  2. Finally we are cool - go us!

  3. Wow -- isn't this cool! I don't buy clothing at the thrift shop for quilting (yet). But recently I've begun using left-over fabric from my quilts to make grocery store bags and gifting them to my friends.

  4. Well finally, it took all these years for being a "Kitchen Mechanic" (my dad's term)to be "in". As a sewer I donate all of my leftovers/unwanted pieces to a lady who makes tons of charity projects. And I'm really into giving vintages pieces found here and there a new life.

  5. Well you know me, I'll have a bash at repurposing just about anykind of fabric. Including old towels as batting.

  6. I was definitely not cool inschool, but glad to hear that I am in my 60s.

    Does adopting unloved fabrics count? I love to pick up fabrics and old linens that are tossed out. I also do all my sewing with leaders and enders to save thread.

  7. I love making quilts and pj pants out of old sheets - so soft and comfy. And much better than paying $18 for a pair of pj pants -when I can find a sheet for $1 or $2!!! Glad I am "in" now - as I never was in high school.

  8. How nice to know we are 'cool'! Wait till I tell the kids!!

  9. I love to use all my old christmas cards to make tags for the following year.... I am just getting into stamping and stuff and last week made my first ever Birthday card for my Mom...

  10. I collect selvedge and make stuff with it. (LOL) No surprises here.

  11. Finally.. I am COOL.. well I dont have chooks (council reg's and a beagle that loves raw birdies_ or a vegie garden (not a big enough yard, but did grew stuffs before hubs renovated and rebuilt house to double its size) Does raising a %@#^%#$$%# cat and a naughty beagle count??? ... but I do sew and being married to Mr Scrooge makes sure I am frugal! LOL
    I never was in the 'cool' group at school and to be honest, I was glad.. they were into naughty things, drinking, smoking, BOYS... I see them now and I think you were skank at school and things haven't changed! One girlie I went to school with is on her 4th marriage, and we are only 38! yikes!

    Thanks for the link..

    to cool for school (finally)

  12. I always knew you were an "IT" girl!!! :)

  13. I like to wash out and use various sized, sturdy containers with lids(from margarine and yogurt and other food items)to store all my little buttons and trims and any other sewing items that will fit in them. Sometimes I have a tin left from cookies or something like that and use it for a small hand-sewing project.

  14. I saw that article and my first thought was "good grief does this mean after years of trying not to be cool - that maybe now I am?"......roflmol. Isn't it nice that we are now recognised as being the new "trendy" ones. Kind of makes up for being on the bottom on the heap during my school years - not that I minded all that much. It was way more fun down there than up at the top.
    As for my recycling "bits" - woolen blankets make fantastic batting for quilts, long thinner scraps make fantastic plant ties and recycling means that my kids think I'm cool when I find a bargain dress up at the op shop...vbg.

  15. I was soooooooo not in the cool crowd at school. We're talking 30 (cough cough) years ago and I played in band !!! Eeeeeek.

  16. Gosh you make me laugh!!
    Who knew I was a cool girl too?? :O

    Robyn xx :c)

  17. My favourite hints or tips for being environmentally friendly hey..... Well I never ever through anything fabric out, ever... I repurposed DH's latest lot of old jeans into a rag quilt for him for Xmas, I also turn his old shirts into clothes for my daughter, the arms are the perfect size for leg holes... Buttons are always cut off unused garments and recycled. Old socks, ones that are beyond repairing, are added to my rag bag for dusting. I cut old towels and sheets up for cleaning rags... At the risk of sounding a bit LONG WINDED I best leave it at that even though I could probably go on for ever.......

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  18. LOL I was never in the cool crowd at school, but I saw this article too and smiled :)

    Love your black and white bags from the previous post :)

  19. When I pass an op shop and there are a five in the Belmont Grovedale area, I look for unfinished embroidery, and quilts. Bags of odd bits with thread and zips in them. For $5.00 I got a quilt that had been cut out the fabric was Laura Ashley.

  20. *woo hoo* I'm finally in the 'In' crowd!

  21. I am so with you...not one of the IN crowd...but enjoyed where I was. I am learning new domestic goddess things all the time.

  22. I always knew I'd be trendy some day! Thank you for sharing the good word!

  23. I knew it! Just knew being a domestic goddess was going to be all the rage someday. Tee hee - we are ALL THE RAGE!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!