Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bags, gifts and buttons.

Had a great afternoon yesterday on the sew-in with Chocolate Cat. Lots of "talk-in" went on but we did have something to show for our time. I showed her how to make my easy bags. There is only one way to do that...and that's make one so here are the two we completed earlier...

They are 'one of ' originals..except there are two! I tried black webbing for the first time as a strap, found it at our local army disposal store (??). It worked very well.

After choccy cat left I was going to bath Archie but remembered i wanted to add a little something to my sister's birthday presents so i came up with this little "maintenance caddy".
She has lost over 10 kgs in the last few months, even with a baby and other kids at home, so now is the time for some pampering.
Hope your day is equally fun.

Just a note.....The Chocolate Cat handles the sales of these beautiful ceramic buttons for her designer friend, Robyn Allen Waters. I have some and they are gorgeous, really add something special to your stitcheries.


  1. Great bags and caddy. What a fun way to spend some time. I know that caddy will really be loved.

  2. nice bags and sounds like you had a good time catching up to sew........

  3. Really cute bags!! I love having a good sew day with a friend. Always makes the week a little sweeter. :)

  4. sounds like a wonderful day! Cute bags too.

  5. Wow the bags are fabulous. Must have been fun sewing in sync ! :-)

  6. I think I did the comment thing, did it work????

  7. Had a great day, thank you! I love my bag!! Did Archie end up getting his bath??

  8. Oh what fun bags and the caddy is wonderful!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!