Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Suddenly...it's Summer!

After some relatively cool temps for January it has really warmed up down here. It is 6 pm, I'm watching kids and neighbors in the pool and it is still 37.5 degrees celcius. Same expected for tomorrow.
Have had a few more days at the beach-just little stints of a night here or there so the kids see their cousins as we need to do all our jobs before we go and get back to do them the next night. Seeing I help spend the money i need to be around to help during the busy times at harvest.
I have been working on the task of sewing through my sewing room stash rather than storing it...
Used about a metre of my lightweight cotton cell fabric and some blue gingham sheeting for a baby wrap and some of the chenille and general stash for the baby blanket. I actually sold the chenille one the next night when I took my cards to the market adjacent to the beach. Note to self....windy beach markets are not ideal for cards! But i went fine...just had to chase the odd one or two. I asked the lady if she had anyone in mind for the blanket she said, "Yes, ME!!I just love it" Fair enough..
The kids are still on holiday so have been requiring some entertainment. This is a cheap option....
They love yabbying. Yabbies are little freshwater crayfish (lobster?) that live in our dams. They get quite big as the weather gets warmer north but these are still worth catching. They are one of my favourite things to eat....behind the large version! We use nets to catch them on hot days, then they have to be added to the bucket.
That would be easy if it weren't for these....
-sharp pincers!
My girl wanted to be in on the fun but didn't quite enjoy those things waving around....
But was proud she persisted.
Archie, our water loving Japanese Spitz, doesn't like to miss any action but nearly got way too close!
I am expecting "The chocolate cat" tomorrow afternoon for a sew-in...we may give in and use the house rather than the sewing room-no A/C over there and I wouldn't want her melting!
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. I'm all for cheap entertainment. Looks like your kids are too.

  2. Your girl has the same look on her face that James did the first time he picked up a yabbie. The second time it grabbed him - on the finger. Shall we just say he is now very, very wary...vbg. Enjoy your day sewing. A/c is probably the way to go if your heat is anything like ours. Swimming in the pool tonight after 8.30 pm was like being in a huge warm bath. Bliss.

  3. Love the pics of your girl. And that weather looks so wonderful. We are headed for a high of 5 degrees farenheit the end of this week. I think I need to move....

  4. Cheap entertainment is the best kind of summer fun *s*

  5. Yabbie catching is great. We use to do it every boxing day at out farm at Quambatook with meat in a string (bit of a challenge but fun). Now all of the dams have dried up and now they use pipe line to tanks and then into stock troths. Those were the days. Have a great day today with The chocolate Cat. Lots of sewing and chat.

  6. yabbying...... a farm kids favourite pastime.......must take the kids out......but it has been pretty darn hot here.......have fun sewing with the chocolate cat.....I am jealous.......

  7. oh and I know the chocolate cat hates the heat so you better keep her in the house and anyway can she fit in the sewing room..........lol......

  8. De-stashing is the perfect solution! Well done. As for your daughter's face, ROFLMAO. It's precious!

  9. This is the best sort of days for kids, it's what makes happy memories. They look happy and healthy.

    Nice to see that you dug your sewing room out from underneath all that fabric and are well on your way to using it up. Atta Girl!! Enjoy your sew-a-long, I'm doing one, too. Fun!


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