Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Photo transferring and finishing stuff!

Does anyone do much in the way of photo transferring? I decided (late yesterday-like you do) that I wanted to make something special for the birthday girl my daughter was attending a party for today. She is moving to Queensland in a few days and has been a lovely friend. i had a few good pictures of her so thought a photo wallhanging would be good.

I have tried a few different methods for photo transferral and it has never been happy, so I usually just take the slightly expensive but mentally cheap option of 5 prepared calico sheets in a pack that can go straight through the printer. "Our one sewing shop always has them dear daughter, don't panic that you wont have something special...mum can do it!!"

So, did the one sewing shop have them?....seems others have realised this is good for their mental health and they were sold out so i had to come home, dig out the transfer paper, discover the instructions were gone (have hazy memories of stamping on them, tearing them up and setting them on fire last try...) and then go about using up half a thing-a-me-bob of coloured ink on trial and error!

This was finished in time for today's lunchtime party...there is a reason you can't see too close...and a reason I added in some horses!! It isn't just too bad, ironing the seams was almost impossible, I successfully melted the top of the middle right pic...if you look closely you can see I sewed one of my labels over it...only 15 minutes until party o'clock!!

I was originally thinking some more embroidery...but really, what was I thinking!! I did manage to properly bind it though-now if I could only get around to that on all my other quilts.

So do you have a preferred brand or method, i would love to hear.

Two things come to mind when i typed about the binding ; one, i found this cool little quilt name generator tool at Beth's blog and had to have a try....my name is

Grand duchess binding procrastinator!

Which I thought was fairly apt...I laughed at the grand duchess bit...it obviously read my last post about wanting to marry the Duke of Avon!

I also found something else good, May Britt and Kris have started a fabulous new motivational tool for finishing off WISPs. And I have joined because I have discovered just one or ten in my sewing room.....

You have to write up all the projects you finish in a month and put this pic and the list in your sidebar...there are even monthly prizes, but getting the things finished would be prize enough for me!

Speaking of finishing things......

sewing room update-

"we-e-ell" (As Samantha would say to Darrin!!) I cleaned off my sewing table... then got all excited I had room to move and decided there was still a lot of fabric on the floor needing a designated home and really, that's a bit like a big block of chocolate that wont fit in the pantry...I needed to start work on it straight away so am sewing my way through the pile!!!!

I'll see you in 2090!!!

Or a day ot two, whichever comes first!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. ha ha tracey - you are hilarious...sewing your way through the pile!
    love it!
    julie x

  2. I have a hard time printing on paper some days and you want advice about printing on fabric! HA!

    The finished quilt looks fine.Is friend actually a member of the quilt police? Will she inspect it closely? Will she know you were tearing your hair out?

  3. Fairy girl got some photo transfer stuff for Christmas.....must give it ago..........

  4. I actually have a packet of photo transfer paper stuff which goes through the printer and then irons on???? is this what you used or something different? Of course I bought it in case one day I would need it and haven't touched it since, you should of called in here!!! Had heard they were thinking of shifting to QLD - hadn't realised they were actually going.

  5. Im wanting to do a quilt like that for my mother for her 70th in November but I'm not sure on what to do. Any help??

  6. ha ha you're just so funny!!
    have fun ;c)

  7. Fabulous gift you have made there for your daughter's friend. How she will cherish it. I have seen that done once on a QS quilt. It was a 50th wedding anniversary present, the husband/wife were in the middle and all the blocks radiating out were family members. OMG it was amazing.

  8. You seem to fear nothing! Having so little time to make a gift, and in spite of all the difficulties it turned out just great. I have been planning a photo quilt for several years already, the photos were transferred to fabric at a photo shop. I'm planning to make texts for them using transfer sheets. I never tried any method yet.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!