Saturday, January 03, 2009

Why does everything take longer than planned?

Okay ladies...the winners are in! My junior assistants LOVE it when i have a giveaway, they take the drawing process incredibly seriously....and tonight they decided upon Quilted Simple and Julie at bushbabyjag. I would love to tell you it was solely due to the wisdom of their New year's resolutions but I sadly fear it has a little to do with the fact they have chooks in their profile pictures....I shall ask no questions of my officials and be told no lies!

Well done girls, drop me an email.

I found a lot of new blogs from those comments, always great fun with a giveaway. Welcome to all of you and I am pleased you are enjoying the snippets from the farm.

Speaking of the farm, I seem to be having another surge of babies, very few of which are expected. I was walking past the haystack on New Year's day and heard some characteristic new mother clucking-yes, the cluck and "chat" from a hen with babies under her is completely different to without. )Just like humans really!) Of course she had hidden her nest (...of 24!!!) up the top of the stack and behind the bales where they couldn't get out and there were babies dropped and trapped everywhere. It took me a good hour of hanging upside down but I retrieved all the chickens...transferred a few neglected hatching eggs to another cluck and put the other 10 eggs left who look due over the course of the next week under the turkey!! I can see a future in foster care should farming ever go bad!!

Here she is...the perfect exponent of "ruffled feathers!!" She had issues with my rescue!

And here she is with the one who walked out with babies last week......Mums on the run...

I also forgot all about the shelly baby at my door when I was mentioning the invading pets the other night.

The kids were sure that this fellow wanted to watch TV with them in the house...

I was of course, then left to babysit him in a box while they jumped on the trampoline.

seems he really did want to watch the loungeroom not my kitchen!

And very determined he was too.....

Success!! For at least a minute!

And on the resolutions note...this morning I was starting the Sewing room at 8am...well, I did manage to start at 9.30 am-I think I forgot I had those things known as children!

I had some expectation of Hour 1, Hour 2, etc update shots.....

Here is the start......not much room to get in the door!

And everyone knows the only way to really clean is to get everything that's not on a shelf , out

Well, by 7.00 pm the outside was starting to clear but the idea of more a Day 1 progress photo seems more sensible than Hour 1!! Who knew assembling my new cutting table with just a screwdriver and no drill would take me 2 hours...and hanging the curtains so the fabric doesn't fade probably another 2...and shifting all the furniture around so that every stitch will be a joy....another 2....and sweeping and washing and dusting and throwing out the rubbish....
At least I know day 2 will be just on the tubs of fabric-and I am finding a heap of really great stuff that I thought was lost! Knowing me, by Day 3 I will be saying, "how about I just turn all this fabric I can't find room on the shelves for into quilts!!" and there will be another dozen flimsies waiting for action!
Perhaps, seeing the sewing room needs a name I should make it something like the 'Chaotic cubby.'..certainly it aint no H.Bailey Sugar Shack...maybe by tomorrow? (Ha Ha)
Any other name ideas and how's your sorting coming?
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. wow tracey, i am so excited i won your giveaway! please thank your little assistants so much!
    congratulations also to kris.
    i'm loving your little chicks and your turtle (my son has one too). you've made great progress today with your big cleanout. you won't know yourself soon...i look forward to seeing many new creations once you've got a clear workspace.
    thanks again tracey, it's so kind of you!

  2. Ah the has not happened my sewing room or my house. Daughter left today to return to school. Hubby goes back to work Monday after 2 weeks vacation, son leaves the 11th. So...when I'm HOME ALONE I can clean. There is a cartoon I remember from when my kids were little: "Cleaning your house while the children are home is like brushing your teeth while eating an Oreo cookie." That is still true today and it also applies to husbands.

  3. Well done to the winners - no chickens here I am afraid as I am scared of birds... how sad is that !
    Well done to you too for doing so well on the cleaning front !
    I sewed today and closed my eyes to the mess !

  4. did all that fit in there..... the chicks and thought the turtle was a snake to start with.........we love our turtle they are such characters........

  5. Oh I'm so excited that I won!!! Congrats to Julie - and make sure to thank your sweet kids for me. I'm loving your blog - you've given me some great inspiration just in the last couple days! The workspace cleanup looks daunting, but I cannot wait to see it completed!

  6. Love your chooky Mums.
    I just come across another lady having the mother of all clean ups here.
    She is looking for help on how to tackle her craft room.

  7. Congrats to the winners.
    Are you sure all of that stuff will go back in there?
    I did my turf out before Christmas. Yeah I know, I make you sick! LOL

  8. I think a great name for your quilting room would be "Tracey's Time Out." If you are like me, I need my time out to quilt and craft to keep my mind sane and balanced.

  9. I won't volunteer to rescue trapped chickens cause quite frankly a mother hen with her feathers all ruffled scares the living daylights out of me......vbg. However.....should you need help playing with....ohhh sorry....sorting your stash - I'm in....roflmol. Looking forward to seeing the "Finished" photos. Don't work to hard - it's still meant to be holiday time remember.

  10. Very impressed with your uncluttering so far, would love to say it has inspired me ..... mmm maybe tomorrow!! My major plan for this year is to 'detox' my house!!! Wish me luck!

  11. Holy cow! You were serious about the fabric coming out the door! You weren't kidding me, lol, I'm not buying anymore stuff. Seeing what you have going on there has scared me straight. No more thrift shops fabric, lol, my goodness!!

  12. Love those little chicks!!! Wow, you are having a major tidy up - I am doing same and have actually thrown out a couple of bags of rubbish, and found material that I had forgotten about. All good stuff for holidays.

  13. I want your chooks sooo bad! They are sooo beautiful! But that turtles neck and head is kind of creepy!


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