Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New year!

Okay girls, thanks for all who played along- if you are tuning in for a winner....well, better give me until tomorrow!!
We had a little New Year get together here last night...and while it was half of the almost 42 degrees celcius that saw us all in the pool until after 2 am last was still 4 am before I hit bed last night and seeing it is already midnight again I will wait for a little more coherency for drawing winners!

But, who needs coherency for blogging...heck, it's never stopped me before!!!

I am well and truly on the New year resolution track, my 1200 messages in my inbox are gone, as are almost equal numbers in bloglines feeds...I feel less cluttered already and I have had some great catch ups, with a good few more to follow for while I am supervising kids in the pool..(THEY may be happy to swim until 10 pm at about 14 degrees externally but I am not!!!)

They did get out in time for sparklers at midnight, I had a little play with my camera and forgive me for the indulgence but I thought these were pretty cute!

But I am getting way ahead of myself! Before having a party I had to do a few chores...

-well, this wasn't a chore. My sister doesn't sew and my DN Millie loves her hand me down dressups I made my girl, but really needed a good party one, so I came up with this. I mailed it and it got there in time for her to wear it not just to the dress up birthday it was intended for but to their New Year party. She refused to give in to the fact it was a beach theme... the dress was NOT coming off! Notice the judicious use of shirring elastic...the tute is in my you know that is the most commonly googled thing that gets people to my blog!

Now, here was the chore...or part of it!!

If you are going to talk about cleaning and sorting ....and ask bloggers about resolving to clean and sort.... you actually need to start yourself!!

Thus (isn't 'thus' a great word... I remember my Year 12 English lit. teacher telling me off for writing 'thus' and 'mayhap'....said they were old fashioned words for a modern girl..I said, "but I don't want to be modern, I want to be in Regency England with the Duke of Avon from a Georgette Heyer romance trying to woo me."... think that meant he didn't mention the language again!!!! Poor man wasn't game!)

Anyway, thus...I ended up with 4 hours until people were due to show and the entrance to my home looked like -who am I kidding, it filled most of the loungeroom!!......

wait...are you really ready...I am working on the theory that women don't like other women who are really tidy because it makes them feel inadequate...well, you are really gonna like me!!!!

That is most of the baby nursery that needed to be taken over to the sewing room...all the little things I have grabbed and dragged across in the last few months that MUST go back so i can open the nursery door!! We wont talk about the sewing room door, that project starts tomorrow and I am really not sure whether you are ready for the before picture!

On the good side, all this organizing has helped me find out what I am!! No, no, I'm not being deep...I have quite often been asked to describe myself in 3 words, it seems to be quite a general thing in a new situation and i am hopeless!! I don't know where to start and I certainly can't contain myself to 3 words!! And what do you say, do you build yourself up-discuss the good bits, or put yourself down...TOO HARD FOR ME!!!

But i sat down for 2 minutes in between loads to read the latest Notebook magazine. They had an interview with Kristin Scott Thomas..who I love in 4 weddings, and they asked her to describe herself in 3 words. Well, I think she used slightly more than 3, but hers is now my new answer...I may even put it in my sidebar if that will ever let me reload it!!

And the quote..."Chaotic but well-meaning!"

Isn't that just I look around at farm bookwork, school minutes, card orders, pool toys and ironing (and that's just in the office!)-with chooks trying to get in the back door and lambs and kittens in the side, I am thinking I may even turn it into a t-shirt!

I had better got to bed but you will be pleased to know that by the time guests arrived that whole area was spick and span. Thank goodness no-one had to go in the sewing room!

Hope your New year was great. Here's to a good one in 2009

Until tomorrow... Cheers Tracey


  1. Happy New Year to you too ! Hope you have a wonderful 2009. Keep blogging ! Vanessa XXXX

  2. Happy New Year.........I would just LOVE to come and visit you and feel right at home and I love your 3 word saying..........sounds pretty good to me........goodluck with the baby room and the sewing room.......

  3. Happy New Year. I can relate to your quote. I feel like that most of the time. Who know, might get organized this year???
    All the best for 2009. Keep smiling.

  4. Happy New Year. The baby Room Looks a lot like our Blue Room :) It's true I like you better now :D

  5. Hi There "Chaotic but Well Meaning".......I liked you already but after seeing that photo of all that stuff - now I really LIKE you....vbg. That photo just describes my life to perfection. Love the photos of the sparklers and the kids too. Have a wonderful New Year.



  6. Tracey,
    Happy New Year and a little rest too.
    Hugs, Barb

  7. Happy New Year! I love how "normal" and real you are! God bless!

  8. Happy New Years to you friend. I'm aiming for de-cluttering this year, lets see how I go. Keep me honest!! te he

  9. I can't stand women who are uber-tidy... they rarely craft or quilt you know!

  10. "Chaotic but well-meaning" I love it! I wonder if my husband would buy it??


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!