Monday, December 29, 2008

Share your resolutions.....

So, 3 days to the New year again...where did that year go?

I was thinking that I would spring clean in these 3 days...(or should we just call it clean!)

I have a baby nursery filled with sewing stuff, all that needs organizing and putting away in the sewing room...but then the sewing room needs organizing so it can take more stuff. It is NOT conducive to sewing over there, I can work in clutter, but to really create you need some organisation!!

So what did I do this afternoon after getting back from a few days at the beach-organize the old nursery, clean the sewing room ? That would actually be doze (again!) while watching the cricket and supervising a few extra kids in my pool. And aint that cricket breaking my heart-I think I would (almost!) rather clean!! Poor old Australia, i think we are about to enter a rebuilding phase...which is sport speak for "we are about to lose all the time for a few years"!!

So, this got me thinking about New Year's resolutions. I like New Year's resolutions...they are kind of like that perfect storage container I often dream about-the attainment of organized perfection!! And I think we are all allowed to dream...

So, I am having a little comp. (that will just about be my 350 post blogiversary).

Share with me what you resolve to do in the New year (...even if it is just keep waking up in the morning!!!) for the chance to win stuff that could include...

some of my latest cards...and quilty magnets....

perhaps a calendar, or something sewn...or all combined-you will have to wait and see!

I made this little boy purse this morning, boy's need purse's too, it just needs a snap or zip. I found the fabric somewhere on line for just about no money and I love it!
You have until New year's day Australian time to contribute your resolution, have fun! Tracey


  1. hi tracey, what a fab giveaway!
    well my new year's resolution would have to be to make sure i finish my UFO's!!! plus try to always keep my sewing room clean and toalso make sure i get my daily walk in the bush!
    hope you have a great new year!

  2. Even though it's already been said, (I had resolved before reading it though), and at a guess I think we might all be in the same boat. I resolve to have more organisation in the chaos I call a sewing room, and perhaps try for a bit in other areas of the house too. And also to get a few more of those ufo's finished off so that they may be enjoyed.
    Happy New Year to Everyone!!

  3. To tidy up after myself at the end of each day. To finish one project before starting another . To use my stash before buying new stash !!!
    I could go on and on LOL !
    Have a great 2009 !!


  4. Well you have been a busy girl and I've prob said this before...I just love your honesty and the way you say things.
    Good luck to your players...I'll sit this one out this time, because I was a lucky winner last time...wooohoo!!
    I think my one NY's resolution 9if I will be getting seriously head tells me heart is not caught up yet.
    Happy New Year :D
    Rob xx

  5. oh wow I would love to be in the draw for your givewaway
    my new years resolution is to learn how to drive my new [secondhand] quilting machine
    I am so excited
    hugs Beth
    ps pop over and enter my giveaway if you like.

  6. I am so bad at resolutions that I don't make them
    ...congrats on 350 posts and have fun with your giveaway.....someone is going to be really happy..........

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Hmmm.... what are my NYR's.
    I definitely want to finish the 5 UFO/WIP 's that i have listed on my blog. To always look on the brighter side no matter what and not to stress about the little things.

  8. Reduce my stash, reuse and recycle my UFO's into something useful ( even if it's dog and cat blankets!) Merry Xmas and a happy New Year

  9. I knew someone would star talking about new years resolutions soon. My special resolution is to design and publish a quilt pattern of my own, along with all the usual resolutions like keeping the sewing room tidy, finishing off some UFO's, controlling my fabric addictions, you know the usual stuff.

  10. This New Year I resolve to finally get my boys quilts done. I've had the material since my oldest was at the time-to-get-out-of-the-crib stage, and he's now in Kindergarten. Time to get them both done!

  11. Hi Tracey. Congratulations on 350 posts. That's awesome.
    My New Year's resolution is to improve my machine quilting skills. I'm fine with straight lines but curves are a challenge!

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog - and what a fabulous giveaway. My New Year's resolution is to get more organized - and get rid of the clutter. We'll see if it happens! hehe. Have a great New Year's!

  13. I want to get more adventurous with my machine quilting and work on things like feathers. I also am going to try harder not to point out my mistakes to innocent bystanders. I've had this resolution for a few years and have seen some improvement. Lol.

  14. Since I just retired I need to tackle my sewing room or should we say material storage room. I can not sew in their and that is what I would love to do. I sew on the dinning room table so it is put the machine up take it down put the machine up etc. It would be nice to walk by the sewing room and sew for a few minutes when ever I had the desire or the time.

  15. I'd love to enter your give-away. Of course I need to tidy up and reduce UFOs, but in addition to that, I really want to be more meticulous about regular cleaning and oiling of my machine. And needle changing!

  16. WOO-HOOOO a give-a-way!!
    One of my resolutions for the new year is to stop picking at my nails. :) Sounds easy but soooo not. I also want to get all of my fabric out of bins and onto some neat shelves that I have my eye on at IKEA. :)

  17. Dopn't worry about the cricket. It's The Ashes in a few months and we are playing even worse than you.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  18. Hi,
    I enjoy reading your posts, I read them at work during my lunch break. Only if I don't get my student's in for tutoring. (Go away guys I'm reading:)) My New Year's resolution would be to try and sew, anything at least three times a week. With work, school, kids, husband... I need to find my time. A giveaway is cool!
    Have a great year,


  19. Oh Tracey, you always have the cutest stuff. My resolution is to just keep going each day! And make it through my oldests wedding in Oct of 2009!

  20. Tracey,
    My New Year's resolution is to exercise 4 days a week. I currently do 2-3 days in time for a better me for a Class reunion this July. I also want to work on my creative endeavors daily for 2 hours after work. I am starting this week.

  21. Good luck with the cleaning. If you get sick of tidying your house - mine is always available....roflmol. My New Years Resolution - Finish all my UFO quilts - ie quilt and bind them - before I start anything new that is even remotely quilt like. Small projects are acceptable breaks...vbg. Actually there is only about five quilts to go so it might even be an achievable goal. Have a wonderful and very Happy New Year.

  22. hmmm I find why set myself for failure by even saying I am gonna change something next year.. so I am not saying any new years resolutions, but I did vow earlier this year to try and finish two UFOs before starting a new project.. so far so good.. I've not started anything new.. or finished any UFO's! LOL

    take care and happy new year to you!


  23. New Year's resolutions--I have been thinking about them!
    Finish 6 UFO's
    Use 100 yards of stash MORE than I buy
    Exercise regularly
    Spend more time ENJOYING life
    Go horseback riding more

  24. My new years resolution every year is to do as many new things that I've never done before - new experiences. You can never fail on that resolution, even if it's eating something for the first time, trying a new activity, wearing a new fashion.

  25. Hi Tracey - I love your blog. It's nice to have a "window" into the other side of the world. I've always wanted to see Australia - and now I am! ;) Anyway, my New Year's resolution is to eliminate "stuff" and keep my life clutter-free. Like the closet full of clothes I never wear, the file cabinet with 8 years worth of pieces of paper stuffed into it, the fabric pile that I keep adding to. Well, maybe I won't eliminate the fabric pile, just organize that! A few years ago we moved and our "stuff" didn't catch up to us for almost 8 weeks and I learned that I don't really need the things, but I haven't done anything about it either. I'd like to. Lisa

  26. Tracey,
    I love reading about your family, your quilting, and your animals. I resolve (again) to be more organized and to finish UFO's. I want to enjoy making quilts that others can enjoy.

  27. Now new year resolution???????? There is so many things that I need to do. Where to start. The office/scrap-booking room needs an overhaul (and need to keep it that way). Now that is done I also need to get some UFO finished.
    And have lots of fun with the kids before they grow up to fast. Lots of memories. I will never be able to turn back that clock.

    You and your family have a great new year for 2009 .


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!