Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas wrap up!

Hi, Merry Christmas!! Hope you all got through the chaos intact!

It is Boxing Day here, an official holiday but since trading rules were relaxed a few years ago all the big retailers open for their huge post Christmas i shopping??

Not bl---- likely!!!!!!

I am having just about my favourite day of the year...get up in time for the cricket, give thanks to God for children who are now old enough to pour milk for their own cereal, take their own highly involved packaging from their presents and use screwdrivers to insert batteries....have coffee with husband who has come in for breakfast after starting at 4.30 am cutting the second cut of Shaftell clover and say.."well done you!!" Then move to couch and watch cricket in peace!

I have also just managed to have a shower, make the bed and do two loads of washing but that is the extent of the day. So to all of you who told me to chill out, I'll tell my husband I am just acting under blogger's orders!!

I had my family here yesterday, then I had to wander 20 metres to my MIL's for tea. Lovely to not have to travel, which we have done all bar 2 times in our married life Christmas days.

Beautiful day here so everyone got in the pool in the afternoon......

DN Daisy enjoyed her first Christmas...all they want is the paper!

I was very lucky this year, after almost 14 year's married I think my husband is nearly getting it!!! He bought me a watch and a digital photo frame, (he loved his photo book and calendar).

My sister and I had a good laugh, she gave me S*x and the City and I gave it to her!! I even scored the perfume off my lovely friend Robyn...if you are checking on me Rob, I hope you are having a great time..(and Caz!) Mum decided I needed a bag like in the movie, my sister suggested I was nearly right for bags, but it is here and looks like I need a chihuaha!! A few other things spread around so I am very fortunate.

I finally got to open my SSCS and I was very lucky there as well! All from Lynn E in Canada,

Thank you so much Lynn, this was great fun to open and all beautiful!

My daughter participated in the swap as well, she swapped with Chooky Blue's daughter, the present will have to wait, she has gone off with her Dad for a while and Baby born has gone with, securely wrapped in her new Heather Bailey quilt!! Baby born slept with her mother wrapped in it last night as well, so thanks Fairy Girl, it was gorgeous!

And finally...a little of the reason for the season.

My babies were in the Church nativity on Christmas Eve, one Angel, on Shepherd. Needless to say, there is no question on who was which! They were both great.

Here is the bulk of them at the finish. Sorry, the quality is not great, I was upstairs singing in the choir and it was getting dark.

Hope everyone else is in rest Tracey


  1. It looks like you had a great time ! The pool looks so inviting - although not here in the UK right now !
    Enjoy the cricket - hubby likes cricket (he follows online mainly though!)

    Have a great 2009 - thank- you for sharing a snippit of your life with us !


  2. Hi Tracey......thanks for my extra goodies.......and Fairy Girl has loved the swap goodies from Tink....
    I have noe ben weel today so the lounge has been my spot all day...........and yes like you very pleased kids can play and do things for themselves.........

  3. Love the pic of the angel and shepherd!

  4. Tracey, you are a legend , loved your post. This is what it is all about, living life and loving it.

  5. Sounds as though you had a very pleasant Christmas with you family. I hope that you are watching the cricket today....Andrea:)

  6. Hi Tracey. Thanks for your message. I've found it difficult to keep up with blogging too! Love the holidays when I can have a really good catch up. I was thrilled with my SSCS gift and yours looks lovely too. Enjoy the rest of the Christmas/New Year season.

  7. Looks like a wonderful Christmas! Love the stained glass windows in your church, and your kids looked so cute in their nativity outfits.

  8. Man, to be able to hop in a pool right now and have some sun!

  9. Little Daisy looks like the perfect gift laying in among all that paper *s* Sounds like you had a great time!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!