Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas midnight...

Twas midnight the night before the night before Christmas

when all through the house

one creature was stirring,

trying kids not to rouse.

The santa sacks were begun and being sewn with all care

In hope that they'd be delivered at least 10 minutes before Santa got there!

That mother wished she was nestled all snug in here bed,

but visions of still delivering tea for her harvesting husband danced in her head.

So mamma cooked her beef

(and downed a drop of sap!!)

while she also cooked Church biscuits

and longed for a nap!

When out on the lawn

there arose such a clatter

(around here lately

almost anything could be the matter!!!)

Away to the window she flew like a flash

In previous nights, a fox and wilddogs could be seen to dash

common to see a chicken clenched by the toe...

and the lustre of a half dressed mamma after them just adds to the show!!

But tonight, what to her wondering eyes should appear?

But a harvester or baler

and a family member needing a beer!

Which related driver burning the candle to the wick

(who hasn't eaten before midnight for a week) now needs food..."Quick"!!

The one who to the house has finally made aim...

it's DH, who whistles and calls her by name:

"Now darling, now sweetheart, now gorgeous and lovely...

Jump on motorbike, on mower, on baler or truck'n

Take me to north paddock, to Jim's paddock,

To the top of the farm...... or wherever I call...

Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!

As dry hay before balers the wife she does fly,

when she meets with instructions from workers who're dry.

So straight to the vehicles the good wife flew,

with food and beer for the workers..and Dh too!

That's when she readily realises the proof

that a farm wife life's hectic and that is the truth!

She delivers her food and her hopes abound

...that she may get 5 minutes on the 'net to give her friends a whip 'round!!


....Sorry, the literary talents..(or lack of!!) end there! Christmas really should be at a nice civilized time in the winter! I envy those who are snowed in, nothing to do but rest and enjoy Christmas.....I may start a petition for a change of season-who do i talk to???

..... Harvest is busy but better than expected....,

I thought you may like to see the Santa sacks so far..... They are almost a metre deep, they would do as kids sleeping bags in the off season! They are lined with prequilted bedspreads I find at the op shops. If I had to do all that myself as well as all the appliquing, the Sacks would be way to expensive to justify. I still have to add some embellishments like bells, stars and embroidery to make the presents under the trees have bows...and also some draw strings to some of the pictured ones.

Happy Christmas to all...and to all a good night!! Stay safe and visit you soon,

lots of love Tracey


  1. I have really enjoyed reading your blog ! Thank-you for letting me in to a little of your life.
    Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

    Vanessa XXXX

  2. Merry Christmas Tracey. I love the poem.
    Some jobs just don't stop for Christmas, and farming is one of them you can't even do my trick and move Christmas to another day.
    I hope it's happy and warm and that the sacks are done in time and that the workers have all the beer and snacks they need.

  3. Hope you and you family have a wonderful Christmas . . . . take just a moment or two to relax and enjoy *s*

  4. Love the is never dull is it.....have a wonderful Christmas.......Fairy Girl received her present and is beyond excited..........thank goodness it is only one more sleep........hope Tink's present is there........

  5. I was very impressed by your literary efforts. I had to giggle at the thought of you racing out half dressed to the rescue of a chook - sounds like something I would do. Good to hear that harvest is going well. Hope DH gets some time to relax Christmas Day.
    Merry Christmas to you all.



  6. Merry Xmas Tracey :) I love those sacks!

  7. Have a great day Tracey and try to get a bit of sleep in as well.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours. It's still Dec 23 here in Louisiana, USA. Are Santa Sacks used to hold gifts delivered by "Santa Claus"(like American Christms stockings) or gifts from each other?

  9. Merry Christmas Tracey.
    So glad that harvest is good.
    Hugs, Barb

  10. the Christmas ditty was so perfect! Oh, the life of a farmer's wife is never boring.

  11. Love your blog...Happy Holidays

  12. Brilliant ! Both your poetry there and your santa sacks.

  13. LOL Tracey. Merry Christmas to you!

  14. Whew! Your fast and busy life makes my head spin,. lol, so much living going on there! Do you ever sit still? Thanks for sharing the joy. Happy holidays to all. Hugs!!

  15. I love your poem ... and the kid's sacks look fantastic too.

  16. Oh the joys of harvest, I am hearing you.. thankfully we dont live IN it, just work it. I too rushed in the last few days to get the stockings made. Love your sacks.. Happy New Year, lets hope the harvest is over so there can be more relaxing.

  17. "Christmas really should be at a nice civilized time in the winter! I envy those who are snowed in, nothing to do but rest and enjoy Christmas.....I may start a petition for a change of season-who do i talk to???...."
    We live on an island of the coast of Oz and could get off on the boat to celebrate with family, but it was booked out for days after Christmas. Had to stay home and continue with the harvest. I fully agree with you above sentiments, I'll definitely sign the petition!!!

  18. Now that really paints a picture. I hope you got eventually got some sleep. Never a dull moment hey?
    Happy 2009. Julie.


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