Friday, December 19, 2008

Mail deliveries.

How do you get parcels, do they deliver to your door? We only get general mail here 3 times a week and if we have a parcel over a certain (small!!) size we get a collection slip in with our post and have to pick it up in town...there has been a LOT of picking up in town lately!

Such a lot of good mail..and just in time!

First, my SSCS parcel came a huge box! All the way from Lynn E in Canada. I have been very good and just opened the box but not all the beautifully wrapped presents-they are under the tree. It had been opened by customs, considered suspicious! The must have been having a slow day. But they never unwrapped any of the gifts and they put it all back together nicely so well done customs.....(attempting to rid the world of nasties in patchwork boxes one fat quarter at a time!!)

My Christmas present photo book for Dh has also arrived, I am in love with this. Did this one through 'My reflections', an Australian company. Fantastic service. Ordered and delivered from West Australia in 4 days! I had plenty of time at home to play around,put text in and to put the photos just where I wanted. It is a bit too stressful to do that in a photo lab.

Dying to show him, but trying to wait.

The calendars for the Grandparents have come, can't wait to show these either. There are individual, group and collage shots of all the grandies. It seems to me that grandparents can probably get anything they really need, so something unique and generally unpurchaseable seems the way to go. I managed to work out how to collage through flickr but I am not that happy with it for then turning into postcards and calendars,(loses resolution) anyone got any better suggestions?

And the first of the Hospital calendars have arrived. They include all local shots from the Show photography comp. and I've put them, and a lot of Postcards, in the town PO today. I was very proud of how they turned out. I hope we get heaps of's fun using my photos to make money for a good cause.

I have done some sewing aside from all this publishing, my nephew has added another daughter to his family...(who just managed to get in the calendar) and she arrived for an unexpected visit during the week. I managed to start a blanket at 9.30 pm and deliver it the next morning. She may get a proper quilt by her baptism! So meet Ruby.....

The 6 santa sacks are just about pieced and laid out on the kitchen table so I had better run. Things have been a little stressed around here...the rain turned into 3 and a half inches and it is still wintry now, just about disastrous with windrowed canola and wheaten hay cut but hope always springs eternal with farming so something may be salvaged. I've got my camera, the sewing room has stash...I can live for quite a while!
Have a great day, back with santa sack pictures soon, Tracey


  1. hey your up on me for the mail..........only 2 times a week here...depending on the weather......Tink's parcel is in the sleigh....Book and calendars look great....
    blasted weather.......shame about the hay....

  2. Very special gifts and such terrific ideas. Yes, grandparents AND parents are hard to give to. Ruby is darling.

  3. I am so hoping you like your gifts. I love the calendars. They are a great gift idea. I wish I had time to pull off a few but time is quickly running out and we celebrate on Christmas Eve.

  4. Those are lovely gifts for your family. I can imagine how much they will be appreciated.

    We have mail delivery six days a week and they deliver our parcels to the house for us. I can't imagine less than that. Do they deliver daily in the cities?

    Ruby looks so cute on her quilt. It looks soft and snuggly for her.

  5. Phew! Will you stop and draw a breath soon? Please tell me you'll get a chance to rest over the festive season.

  6. Oh all those beautiful photographs in your book, it looks AMAZING. No wonder you're about fit to burst. And the calendars. You've been so busy. Hello Ruby, you look like a little doll, gorgeous!

  7. Great stuff you have made there Tracey. I will have to check out the WA publisher. Hide all those goodies. I'm sure they will be well received.


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