Friday, December 12, 2008

Daughter's stitchery and linseed crop.

Don't fall off your chair! 3 Posts in 3 days, I must actually be home.

I have a very serious reason tonight....I want to know what's responsible!!
I just watched the world news and New Orleans has snow....I should be out swimming in the pool this time of year and it has rained non stop for almost 12 hours and isn't looking like letting up...yet we had half today's rainfall ALL Spring! I am slightly fearful of Chookyblue's scenario, the first inch is rejoicing, the 2nd involves a little shaking of the head and a 4th and hail would really cap off an interesting cropping year!! hopefully that wont be the case.
So, is it me leaving the lights on and driving the car too much...or have the season's just gone mad, how is the weather there? Normal???
A couple of pics for you....
My girl won the sewing at the local show last weekend, she commented that there weren't heaps in it...I said that was because not many 10 year olds can hand stitch! She is really going well at backstitch and if you can find the right thing for her cats...she works on it quite often.
We have added a turtle to our visiting lizard enclosure, he was found out the front of our house and I think was especially sent to make up for a past turtle disaster that we don't talk of here. This one is big enough to live on land, so means I have no need to ever see a glass aquarium in my home...(and if you don't know that story go back to the first week of June). And have no fear, I have licences for all these critters
Here he is watching TV with my boy.

This crop will be benefitting from the drink. Sown late in the season it usually struggles for the water to keep it flowering, but at over $1000 per tonne we usually take the risk!
It's linseed, that food of champions, especially for us women. The blue is a bit of a change from my favourite yellow canola and I thought you may like to see where your little black seeds some from.
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Hi Tracey,
    Congratulation to your DD on her stitching success and to you for successfully encouraging her. Keep up the good work both of you.
    I love the cat pattern and your previous post of the baby birds was just great too.

  2. Add my congrats on your daughters stitching...she looks quite proud of herself!

    Weather here in Georgia has been strange as well...for two years almost no rain. For the last month it has rained every week! Maybe I will be able to get a real garden in this year?!

  3. Well done to DD. Congrats on the addition to the family.
    Yep! The weather is weird, but I'm not complaining. Normallywe have rain, rain ,rain about now. Instaed, it's dry and frosty!

  4. Tell you DD that we love her stitchery! What a pretty linseed crop - thanks for sharing.

    Our weather has been pretty upside down this week - started out with windchills of -20ÂșC on Sunday, 3" of wet snow on Monday night (not unusual for December), then torrential rains all day Tuesday! Not fun at all because from Wednesday everything froze over!!!!

    Take care,

  5. Love the kitty stitchery! Your DD did a wonderful job on that. I think it's great when kids start sewing early.

  6. Congrats to your lovely daughter!! Isn't it wonderful when we can pass the love of stitching on to our children. :)
    Love the pic of your son watching TV with his animals. heehee Son's are great! You never know what is going to be in their pockets though. :)
    The weather is strange here as well. Everyone is having snow but us. We get a few fluries and then nothing. It IS cold though. The weather man promises rain today or tomorrow...weird
    Hope everyone you know has a good harvest this year!! I know our farmers are having a heck of a time this season.

  7. Love the pic of the kids in the linseed . . . .

  8. Fab photos as usual - I love that shade of blue (and I also like the yellow fields too!)

    Best wishes - Vanessa (PS - congratulations to your daughter with all the negetive press on 'the youth of today' it is always lovely to here positive things!)

  9. Your daughter looks so much like you I at first thought this was a photo of you as a girl. Not surprised she has turned out a beautiful stitchery, she is a good student to a very talented teacher. Your field is very pretty and fun to see the kids running through it. Hope your crops do well this season. We are growing a fine crop of snow at this point and the temps are -15F this morning. Here in Minnesota, we did have an unusually wet spring and colder than normal, actually, we had a very wet autumn as well and early cold. We needed the water to fill Lake Superior back up to normal levels as it had been terribly low in the past two years. But this early bitter cold is a challenge. Glad I have my quilting to keep me busy!

  10. That is a great stitchery project done by your daughter. Good for her.

    The field of blue is gorgeous with the kids running through it. Thanks for sharing it.

    So far our weather is normal for us, but winter hasn't hit yet. It was 80* this week.

  11. Hi, Tracey, The children in the crops , just want to make you give the whole lot a hug.


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