Thursday, September 04, 2008

Out "pops" a surprise!

A frosty morning turned into a beautiful Spring day today. DH And I have spent the morning replacing a garden fence, now I am off to finalise the questions for the School quiz night we are doing tomorrow night.

We have our first Spring hatchlings,

There are 5 of these little darlings that walked out of a pumpshed on Tuesday. The start of many for the season no doubt.

I received my Heather Bailey in the mail yesterday. The two 'tone on tones' at the right are from her Bijou and the rest is Pop Garden. There is a layer cake there of the range, just to tempt me.

The fabric did tempt me already! So lovely and bright I made a bag from it, complete with lining and zipper!

I decided that Jodie at Ric Rac is not the only one who can do stuff with selvedges so I rescued one from the range and added it as a label-too pretty to throw away! (i can assure you the label is on straight, it is the bag that is sitting creased!)

I need to get to town so I better run, I took these of the pets last night, can you pick a favourite? I want one for a card.

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. They're all darling! Maybe I like the 2nd one because they're looking right at me.

  2. The second one. Although the lambs look quite cheeky as if they are up to no good in the third one. Hard to choose.

  3. The second pic, far and away over the others. Cute chicks!

  4. Spring has sprung,
    The Grass has Riz.
    That's where the birdies is....

    Sorry I'm really bad at rhymes - can you tel...vbg. Love the bag and of course the label is straight...vbg.

    Ohh the middle picture does it for me too by the way. I thinks it's the look on the lambs cute and yes mysterious. Wonder if he/she/it was just thinking - "How good is this grass?"

  5. I love the middle photo.

    The fabrics are gorgeous and I love the bag you made with some of them.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  6. I think he chicks would make a great card, but if I must choose sheep, then it's the last one, with the two of them, the paddock and then the hills in the back ground.

  7. The second one is my favourite.

    OMG! Julie is right - the third one has them being spies, you could photoshop dark glasses, hats and macs onto them!!!!!

  8. I like the third one. :) And the fabric is absolutely delicious! I love her fabric.

  9. Hmm the concensus is saying the middle one - however I really like the first one - it shows the perfect aloofness of sheep checking you out, though not quite looking at you... Hugs Jx

  10. It's a toss up between the 2nd and 3rd, but I think the 2nd. I like the chewing tobacco look.

  11. Cute little critters. Love the bag and fabric!!! I haven't cut into my fabric yet. Soon. I think my favorite picture is the second one.

  12. What a gorgeous little surprise to waddle out of the pump shed...
    I love all of the lamb pics and the bottom one would look especially cute as a card..

    Jodie :)

  13. Wow you have been busy. I love the 3rd photo as they look soooo cute peeking through the grass. Enjoy your quiz night.

  14. cute pictures, thanks for sharing :D
    nice weekend, kisses, vivi

  15. What fluffy, sweet new additions you have there *s*

  16. The second one...they have such cute expressions on their faces. Ooh, but the last one of the twins is really cute too. Did I help? Nice bag. Did you make the label from the salvage edge of the fabric? It's fun to use some of the words printed there, and why not use all we can of our expensive fabrics!

  17. I like the middle one the best. And how cute are those little chickies.

    It's amazing isn't it, that mother nature just knows it's spring. All of a sudden the calendar changes and the lovely spring weather appears.

  18. Love the 2nd photo. The lambs are looking at you as well as chewing on some fodder.
    What ever photo you choose you will be happy with.
    Like the bag you made.

  19. The second one, but the hatchlings would be a cute card too.

    Your new fabrics are fabulous, love the selvage label.

  20. It makes me home sick to see three cute little lambs. I grew up on a sheep farm and now I'm on a dairy farm (very different) I miss the shearing time, that was my favorite time of the year as a child.
    I think the 2nd one is very cute and mischievous. Its got that spark in its eyes ( trouble).



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