Sunday, September 07, 2008

A free week ahead!

Desperately trying to not get too excited as life has a way of changing my plans....but I look like having my first commitment free week in ages coming up!!! YAY!!

No trivia nights, no markets, no meetings, no talks.......what unbridled joy.

I may even get my housekeeping done-no, not THAT housekeeping, I mean the checking of everyone's blogs, which is the thing that you are forced to limit a little occasionally if you have any intention of sleeping. Well, it comes down to that or sending the kids away...and society tends to look dimly on kid neglect so it has to be the blog gossip sacrificed! Hope to remedy that soon.

I wont share my plans, that could blow them, you will just have to wait and see.

The new local farmer's market was a great success for the town and not too shabby for me either. Great having the cards and the craft. Craft is notoriously slow, but having $2 and less cards means you get plenty of turnover....the card range includes 50 now!! I have a baby quilt order, 21 st card orders and a few business card orders, all good fun.

Here were some of the finished projects....

A "bijou" bag joined the pop garden, Gotta love those selvedges!

Some finished baby blankets and quilts.

Little bags from my left over "All you need is love" charm packs-I loved that one girl came back 3 times to fondle these and then finally gave in came back with the money-she will never know how close she was to me giving her one just for the compliments!!.

The plastic coated Moda purses are always popular-and embarrassingly easy once you master those zips and the top stitching.

We went exploring at the new place today, beautiful day, this is DS checking out the "new" tractor. (apologies for the closed eyes!!)

It was Father's day here as well. I successfully managed to get a huge tool chest delivered here secretly and after an elaborate charade we got DH to the shed and surprised him this morning. There was only one drawback, he has always said he could read me like a book but didn't get any clues on this one, so i think he is a little fearful that he may not be as up with everything as he previously thought!!

Hee, hee, always fun to mess a little with their heads......

Have a great day! Tracey


  1. Love the boots and short pants. My kinda kid!

    Left you an award on my blog.

  2. Love the pic of the tractor.
    Enjoy your free week. I hope you find lots of fun things to fill it with.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. Hi I found my way to you via Oklacookiemaker Quilts blog. I enjoyed reading your blog...I am a farmgirl too! Stop over and visit me sometime! Take care...

  4. I wonder if Tracey could make it to the post office now that she has a free week? (Ducking!!!!!!!).

    Great tractor!

  5. OH I LOVE those baby quilts. Can you unfold them and share with us what the whole thing looks like!!!

  6. You exhaust me when I see all the goodies you have made. Exhaust and inspires me at the same time, so that's a good thing.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!