Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of gardens and quilts

We have results from me smelling spring in the air.

I picked up my 7 new roses last weekend that I had bought through the School fundraiser. I had great plans, it was time for the space next to my sewing room wall to be cleaned up and transferred to a rose bed, too easy...bring roses home....employ a very handsome gardener who lives to dig and charges the very reasonable rate of 2 packets of footy cards to prepare soil and then sit back with coffee until ready to plant.

Oh, I love it when I plan.

Can you see that crowbar...can you????

Guess what was under the 10 cms of beautiful dirt....

A bluestone floor!!!

Now I love that this was a stable, with what looks like a huge amount of bluestone right out behind the shed, but did it need to come up this close, and be quite this well laid?

A woman with smaller plans may have decided this was a good place for a pot garden, but I struggle with pots so 'ever onwards' was the call.

Unfortunately the call went out to no-one.

Digger boy took one look at the stones and heard homework calling, Dh went to bolt past in the ute and after much batting of eyelids he got the the first one loose then raced off to work up a paddock before it rained.

Doesn't he realise my plans are far more important than getting another 100 acres of crop in??? lol!!!

-and here it is the next day.

Now I know you can see I left some stone in place: we shall say that was because I wanted a path, or perhaps I kept it as an ode to the work done previously-yes, I like that, we'll go with that...... and never suggest that some pieces of bluestone may have been fine to lug around 100 years ago when this place crawled with workers...but don't scream to be relocated by little old me!

Remains to have the watering system added and a few more succulents at the front. I also am feeling the desire to paint a big back feature "something" to go on the fence, but it may be a little too public for DH!

But with the completion of that little project the weather has turned and gone straight back to winter, so these next items have been made or finished.

I think they should be called patchwork blankets rather than quilts. None have wadding, all flannel backs and just turned, pillow case style and topstitched around the edges-with a basic amount of quilting to keep them together. I have a lot of babies they can go to, but I've been asked to take my cards to the new farmer's market next Saturday and I think I will stick a price on these as well if I have to sit there. I can always make more for the babies!

All except the bottom right corner have chenille as the white blocks. The most fabulous quality DB size one for $2 at my favourite shop!!! The bottom left has about half a charm pack of 'all you need is love' fabric mixed with the chenille.
Busted a nice amount of stash.

The stripy one is quilted via vintage pink ric rac...another 50 cents at the favourite store!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. I always think that quilts and gardening go together. Looking forward to seeing your roses planted and growing.

    Great baby quilts.

    Post-It Sticker - BLOCKS!

  2. Your new rose garden is charming. You accomplished a lot during the brief spring tease.

  3. As usual it's the blue and white that calls to me. All very pretty though, good luck at the market.

    The garden looks good, it's coming along.

  4. You go girl!!!
    I've got the same springy urges calling but I haven't answered yet and besides its raining so I'm sewing....sounds good!...and the housework is waiting :c(
    Your work is lovely and I admire your determination and adaptablilty with your rose garden.
    Bet it looks beaut when they're in flower!!
    Robyn xx

  5. I was just thinking about you so came on by to see how you were doing. :) Love the picture with the chickens and the quilts!!
    Happy Spring,

  6. I like the leave a little/move a little plan . . . your rose garden will make a great addition.

  7. Love the new garden and what a practical way to use the bluestone. Ohh and if you have anymore that's in the way/needs a new home - just holler...vbg. I'm happy on the end of a shovel of if worst comes to worst - I can use the Kanga loader....vbg. By the way the handsome gardener looks like he's working hard too. Love the quilts. What a fantastic way to use up the stash. Hope you got rain like we did. Even the hail was welcomed.

  8. Great rose garden... Can't wait to see some picks of it later on in Spring..

    Jodie :)

  9. As usual your blog is a joy to read, what are the names of the roses

  10. That bluestone looks long as you aren't on the other end of the crowbar! Love the quilts with the animals! good luck at the farmer's market.

  11. Tracey

    finally elbow'd the kids off the net long enough to get a turn! I finally managed to get to the post office this week to pick up the lovely parcel you sent me! thank you so much for not sending Little Johnny to live with me I dont think they neighbours would like a rooster in the yard (although Bailey the wonderdog loves the taste of chicken) I giggled at the chenille chooky and the cards and tags are just gorgeous! Thank you so much!!!!

    PS isn't it funny how men scramble when there is work to be done?? I hope you get the rain I sent you, we have had 4 solid days of it and I am considering making an ARK..

  12. Love the blue stars on your quilt great too are the others, and sweet little new borns in the next post,


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