Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Springing into action

The calendar tells me we are about to arrive in Spring. I didn't need the heads up from the calendar, I think the coming of Spring seeps through you, like an unbottleable new vitamin tablet? Why else do we suddenly dream of digging flower beds, planting roses and pulling out weeds. (though on a completely different note, last night I dreamt I felt a baby kicking, then distinctly remember feeling a whole leg!! Let's hope that wasn't from some mystery new vitamin!!)

DH has already been planting for a long time. here is how his canola crop looks on a nice winter afternoon. In a few months my kids will be being photographed amongst its beautiful yellow flowers. Archie is playing model.

Here is it with the mountain view.

I spring cleaned my office today. Don't congratulate me, it was a "have to."I have to give a talk tonight and another in the morning on 'encouraging a love of learning through play' (NOT playstation play!!!) and, of course, i reached for the trusty notes and folder this morning...and nothing!! What a crisis. I saw myself having to rewrite the whole thing, so i searched through every bit of paper I owned, throwing out a lot on the way-still nothing. After 2 hours I decided to check the filing cabinet again, though I had checked it 4 times because I knew i had put it there...and what do I find, the file had slipped down under all the others, there all along! I think it was a sign that I needed to do the rest of the office!

Remember my little pet lambs, here they are, showing you how quickly the season has passed. They are meant to be eating this long grass on the edge of the canola paddock. We can't cut it because of house drains underneath. They were good for about a week, then slowly started creeping onto the canola. At around $700 per tonne of canola seed these babies could end up very expensive pets!!

I have finally given into the apron thing. it was stop wearing a lot of black clothes or make an apron. At my quilt retreat i only had black slothes...so this apron was born. I love it, the pocket holds all those things I usually put down and can't find again. i used the cotton tape that comes around quilty goods for the neck and elastic for the back, I don't even have to stop and tie...and it wont care how big I am! I used that basic idea of one big square of fabric, just with a contrast added at the top and pocket.

Have been working on this that i started this at retreat as well, the whole quilt photo wont upload, but it is a farm cuddle blanket for my nephew. I love the little machinery blocks.

Off to practise my talk, have a great day, Tracey


  1. What a cute dog Tracey!!! The canola is coming along nicely and so are the lambs... I love all of the pics in this post..

    Jodie :)

  2. My how those sheep have grown! Love the mountain picture - more please :o)

  3. There's nothing like the promise of Spring to get you into gear and achieving things. Well done on all you have achieved. The canola crop looks good - you've obviously had way more rain than us.....sigh. Love the apron too. Good luck with the speech. Hope it goes well.

  4. Love the sheep and what a gret cuddle quilt.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. goodluck with the canola.......crops are desperate around here for a drink........

  6. Beautiful, serene photos. Darling little lambs! I did not know of canola crops. I'm learning lots through blogs. I haven't given into temptation yet to make an apron but the force is pulling strongly.

  7. I love your pictures! What kind of dog do you have??? My mom had an American Eskimo for years that looked exactly like that. The sheep have gotten big!! Have a wonderful day,

  8. Love the photo of the 'pet' lambs!! wish I could tell spring was almost here, I am still chilled to the bone.

  9. But look at those faces . . . who wouldn't mind if they were a little expensive *s*

  10. Your pictures make me homesick, especially that mountain...

    Cute little sheep, gorgeous apron, I'm trying to resist the apron thing - with a child feeding herself now I need a full body suit coated in plastic!

  11. Hi Tracey,
    It's always such fun to catch up on your posts! Those lambs have grown so much.
    I didn't know what they ate (guess I thought it was grass!) Sounds a bit pricey for their feed.
    Love that darling quilt for your nephew!


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