Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring into action!

Inspiration finally hit and I think my swap partner will get their four season's quilt before the Australian spring!!
If we go back a post or two you may remember I toyed with this for spring....

and then decided it wasn't safe enough so played with this....

Well, it just wasn't quite me and I couldn't get back into it until this flash of inspiration hit me. (while watching High Society with my girl yesterday...must have been the combined crooning of Bing and Frank!!)

Speaking of combining inspiration, I combined the free pieced roses and the pieced background to get this result.

I am happy with this, I even altered the leaves, the needle turned ones will wait for another day. They needed to be more free.

There's a close up. Just need to baste and quilt it now and it will be in the mail. That is one thing off a very long list of things that needed doing, I have noticed a lot of you putting up lists of your WIPs, I wont scare myself with that...until at least after this market is over...but this would make a good motto!
She reminded me a bit of Grace Kelly out of High Society. Today we watched The Philadelphia Story, which is the same play, didn't excite my girl as much but made more plot sense to me!!And I personally think Katherine Hepburn outdoes Grace for character if not I alone?
have a great day, Tracey


  1. Tracey, It is beautiful. I'm sure your swap partner will love it.
    The roses are amazing!

  2. I love the quilt. I used som eof those fabrics for a log cabin I did a while back. Not my usual colours but I loved the fabrics so much I had to go with them.

    I like Katherine Hepburn aswell. She was great in The African Queen, but my all time fav is Maureen O'Hara - especially in The Quiet Man with John Wayne. I can relate to the Irish temper.

    love and hugs xxx

  3. The roses are wonderful!! It's fun to see how the idea simmered and percolated through until you got this. Really nice!

    And I'd take Katherine Hepburn over Grace Kelly any day.

  4. I really like your roses. Who wouldn't love them.

  5. Wow wow wow, how lucky is your swap partner, it's gorgeous.

  6. Your swap partner will be thrilled -- gorgeous little quilt! The roses fascinate me.

    Oooh, all those wonderful old movies. Hepburn was better than Kelly in that role, imo.

  7. Love it!! I have the fall swap you made me hanging in my sewing room/office just above my desk. I see it many times a day and love it. I am sure the owner of the spring quilt will feel the same way!

  8. I think the combination of the two is stunning. Great job.

    I'll take Katherine Hepburn any day. Loved her in everything I saw with her.

  9. I am in awe of you and your work! Are you sure I'm not your swap partner???? Ha Ha!

  10. Your quilt for the swap is fantastic Tracey!!! I'm not surprised though... Your quilts are always beautiful..

    Jodie :)

  11. Great idea, combining the two really does make a wonderful quilt. It's amazing sometimes how and when inspiration strikes.

  12. Your quilt is lovely, Tracey! I really like the final result of your round of "trial and error"! Lucky recipient!

  13. Wow .... love this piece .... I hope this beauty is coming to me! :o)

  14. The roses look fantastic....and as for the movies...classics....

  15. I think any of your 4SS pieces would have made a great hit *s* Someone is very lucky to receive one.
    As for Katherine Hepburn - she seems more likely to be your friend, where Grace Kelly stays in 'princess, untouchable-mode' all the time. My favorite - Deborah Kerr!

  16. I know I'm late to comment - frantic week - but the quilt is really lovely! I'm sure your partner will love it!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!