Monday, April 21, 2008

Of cricket, pets and sewing.

"They" must do something about this Indian cricket on all night here! It has well and truly got me in and there are about 45 days to go! "They" have been very clever and put a few Aussies in every team, also made it fast paced and exciting and I can't pull my eyes away! Last night I had the whole night's worth set to tape on the hard drive and I still watched until the light tower power went out at about 1am! Too tempting.

I tried to maximise my time by cleaning the kitchen and sewing bags for the School market and a bucket for my friend Robyn's birthday today. She looks just like the quilting "love is patient" pic.

The sewing went well, the photo shoot this morning was far trickier!!

I couldn't pick a favourite so you get them all. I was pulling my hair out over uncooperative kittens who play with the props and the DD,who is still home with the flu and somewhere underneath quilt and kittens, piped up with...."it says, Love is patient, Mummy!" I should have that on my wall, especially with sick

I have new babies.-I just SO needed more pets! We picked them up yesterday and they have all successfully had their first feed, here is one....

Cute, isn't he.

Unfortunately Sigmund is not seeing the funny side of being upstaged. I think I overheard this conversation between old and new...

"Who do I look like to you......Danny out of the Partridge family, Willis, out of the show whose name eludes me right now or perhaps an Olsen twin (my hair is looking a little in need of a brush).-But all that is beside the point. I have been an international blog star, immortalized on cards and covered in quilts, and you upstarts think you can just move in here and take over because I am leaving the cute stage. It'll be you here one day, don't say i didn't warn you!!"
His mate knew when to get out and start looking for a new career before they made him star in celebrity reality TV.
Hey, any openings in the chook yard for a calf in a chicken suit?
Considering that is the number who followed me just to feed the calves, I think that answer would be NO!!
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. I have totally forgotten whatever else is in your post except how many chooks do you have ???????????OMG.............just told DH I have no chooks compared to you.........

  2. Willis was on Different strokes!

    You know, I have been parasailing, I have been scuba diving with sharks on purpose, but that amount of chooks FREAKS ME OUT!!!

    I am scared of chooks! they attack my feet for some reason, I think it could be that the chooks I visit are half starved and they think the freckles on my feet are feed???

  3. I'm with Lissa Jane, it's a great photo, but that number of chooks 'free' (shudder) gives me chills!

    I was attacked by a rooster as a kid and never quite got over it lol

  4. I love your sense of humor, Tracey. I always enjoy reading your blogs.

    Hope DD is feeling better.

  5. I love those pictures! The kittens are adorable!

  6. Those are some of the cutest kittens I have ever seen.

  7. Tracey,
    I was so surprised to see all those chickens! You always have such great pictures!
    Just curious: How many chickens do you have altogether?

  8. O --- M --- G. I must come over and play with your kittens immediately. They are just too too cute, I love the first pic, it's like "well I know I shouldn't be playing, but it's so much fun up here".

    And the chooks, tell me those ones I saw in the back of your truck are one of those happy chooks roaming around like that in the sun?

    Now Tracey, I've tagged you if you'd like to play along - absolutely nothing to do with sewing though, but everything to do with eating! YUM.

  9. I wish I could have chickens (chooks) to lay fresh eggs for me. You chooks are so pretty! The kittens with their wide eyes know a good thing to snuggle into when they see it. The bags are sweet and pretty. Love all the farm babies. Thanks Tracey. Have a great day!

  10. I was just thinking about your and your egg laying chooks the other day .... wow, you sure do have a lot of them!

    It seems like just yesterday that you were blogging about last year's school market ..... you've done another outstanding job! The buckets are so cute and as for that little kitten - omg!

  11. The kitty playing in the bags is adorable. The chooks are cute, but since I've never been around that many chooks I don't know how I would behave.

  12. What great photos! The little uncoperative kitten is gorgeous. Our chooks follow us like that, the only difference being we only have 4!!

  13. Love how those chickens follow their Momma!

    Hey, is that barbed wire under that quilt top on your banner????? Help!

  14. Glad you showed all the kitty pictures. They are so cute. Love the shot of all the chooks too. So many great colours.

  15. I love the chook photo. I've never seen so many different looking chooks in one place. Great blog.


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