Friday, April 25, 2008

Sewing box

Do you ever se something in a shop and just know it should be yours?

Than you get all economical and decide not to purchase it as you don't need just like it.

Then you get home and think, I should have got it?

Well I have been doing that for about 6 months with the sewing box at my local antique cum tearooms...Any time I went there I would check to see if it was gone, ask if anyone had bought MY box...and the answer was always no. I think I know why, it was too dear for me to justify so would probably have been the same to others

Here's the BUT THEN, I went there for Robyn's birthday and it was reduced by nearly half. I decided that was a sign so it got added to the caffe latte and the scones with jam and cream and has come home to live.....wanna see???

Ta Da!!!

Then it opens out and is FULL OF OLD STUFF!!!

Buttons and threads....

More buttons ....

...and more buttons, with all these very handy hose darning threads in a range of colours!

Those menders will have to be good because all my stockings nowdays are used by my children for putting the bait in when we go yabbying (small freshwater crayfish)-like to see the threads mend those holes! I have a feeling the dainty ladies who invented hosiery never expected that usage 50 years ago. Or would it be a man who invented stockings? Someone who wanted to feel silky smooth legs and started the quest...yes, much more likely, I don't think a woman would have forced us into them!

I am not sure that all those things will stay in the box, I want it to be very used, so will probably transfer the myriad of important stuff I can never find when I want it into there would hope even I would find it fairly tricky to lose track of this sewing box!

Off to enjoy the rest of our ANZAC day Public Holiday, my team just lost the football but my sister visited so that equalled out the loss! She has just left and DH isn't in yet so I may safely go and play with my sewing box and no-one will think I am weird!


  1. Bingo! What a find and yes it was meant to be yours. If you go back and it's still there, it's definitely a sign. Well done and good spotting.

  2. I have a sewing box very similar to that only mine has legs. My DS and DIL gave it to me for Mother's Day a few years ago! You really got lucky to have it full of stuff!!

  3. What a treasure! Yea, I know what you mean. It was meant to be for you! Have fun with the loot! Keep well!

  4. It just proves that patience is a virtue. Did you know all that stuff was in it when you bought it?

  5. I have one just like that but it's on tall legs. It belonged to my Mom--probably purchased in the late 1960's. Mine also was left to me full of "stuff".

    What a treasure to find. If it could only tell you the story of it's life!

  6. What a gorgeous sewing box. I'd love to find a box like that. Enjoy it!

    Happy Anzac Day - one day late.

  7. What a delightful find! Just opening it, over and over, would bring a smile!

  8. How did you restrain yourself for so long???? What would you have done if it had sold before you got it? The box itself is beautiful, but all the goodies inside are priceless.

  9. Tracey it's a lovely sewing box empty - but then to find it filled with treasure - well what a delight!

  10. What a lovely box. Glad it has a new home with you. And all those treasures inside. Enjoy.

  11. What a wonderful treasure. I'm glad you decided to get it.

  12. Great find. I've had things 'wait for me' too, it's a good feeling.

  13. Oh what a find! Two for the price of one and it decided to wait until you could afford it so it was meant to be.

  14. Oh what a beautiful find and so many little treasures inside...

  15. Oh, what a lovely sewing box! If you've been thinking about it THAT long AND the price was reduced, then it was simply meant to be yours!

  16. It was always meant to come home with you *s* Enjoy!

  17. It is definitely fate-- and don't you love a deal!!! Pat yourself on the back for patience and discipline...Lucky girl!!!!

  18. just looking at your blog and at the bottom of the page is the nice sewing box you found...I have one of these and they are called **a Siskren** Mine was a gift from hubby years and years ago, but it is empty right now..But it opens full with all that space..I should fill it up Char


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