Sunday, February 03, 2008

Valentine's is coming, how about we share the love?

I have noticed a lot of new bloggers commenting and visiting me. I would like to say a big "hello" and welcome. I have tried to call at your blogs, but if you don't make yourself known it is tricky.

Some of you may have wondered about the Quilts for Leukeumia message in my sidebar.

Clare, in the Dorgogne (France) instigated this fabulous project where quilters send her 8 1/2 inch red and white blocks from around the world. She then makes them into red and white sampler type quilts and distributes them amongst leukeumia sufferers who have been bought to her attention. If you follow the link above you will see her latest.

After commenting on the work she does she replied that she was down to her last 3 blocks. I am going to get more over to her and my quilt group may contibute some at our next Quilters but I know that all of you out there would love to help others so I thought we may have an old fashioned Australian 'Pass the hat around' and see if we can't get a heap over to France-it is the season for sharing the love after all.

Most of us could probably whip up an 8 1/2 inch block in our sleep, so while you are watching the cricket this afternoon or watching or hiding from Super bowl Sunday in the US, how about a block? Australian girls may like to just pop their's in an envelope to me and I can send a bulk amount to Clare, others may organise direct with Clare.

So, are you in? Let's see how many of you sign up through my comments between now and Valentines...and you never know, some lucky block maker may be thanked in an even more tangible way than just the joy you help bring to another human being.

I have started playing (above), just make sure your red is washed until no more red will come out in the water.

Finishing with some farm shots. DH was heading the barley in just the light I like. I have wanted some cards suitable for the men in my world so actually sacrificed 30 minutes of live action 20/20 cricket to grab these shots.-the things we do!

Who ever said ducks were stupid?
Have a great day, and don't forget to put in the comments if you can contribute a block, Tracey


  1. I have an idea...since our harvest is about 5 months away, I could just borrow that semi-truck for awhile? I'd have it back for your next harvest! My truck hauls about half that much!

    Love the farm pictures...ours look so very similiar. Wheat prices are staying high, but cattle prices are dropping.

    Keep up the farmwives hafta to stay sane somehow!

  2. Once again, I LOVE your farm/harvesting shots. I appreciate the shots with careful "light selection". You're very good!

  3. I clicked over to Clare's blog before I finished reading your post. Thanks for the link.

  4. Hi Tracey,
    You must have read my mind as I tried clicking on the leaukaemia badge to see what it was about the other day!
    Is there a timeframe that the blocks need to be made by?
    I have made a couple of small wall-hanging quilts for Margies Quilts of Hope so I would enjoy helping with this if I can.
    Kind regards from Liz

  5. Love the farming shots. The leukaemia blocks are a great idea. Now I just have to find some red and white fabric. I'll let you know if I end up making one.

  6. Traceyyou are marvellous. What I meant to say was that I'm down to my last 3 Australian blocks, but the more the merrier. Current project is red and white hearts. Oh and Sheila has already contacted me.

    Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

  7. I really like your farm pictures. Nice to compare with farming here. There is not all that much difference.

  8. Hi Tracey
    So sorry it's been so long between visits. Loved seeing all your pictures of the farm and harvest.
    Take care..

  9. Thanks for sharing the link and reminding us about the Leukemia blocks . . . I've been working with reds a lot lately - surely I have some extra blocks in me *s*

  10. I would love to help with the red and white heart blocks.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!