Friday, February 01, 2008

Oh what a beautiful morning........

Hear that? Well maybe you can't, but it is the sound of John Denver singing to me on the CD player-not Hannah Montana, who I love and encourage , but have nevertheless heard enough of in the last 6 months my girl has predominantly been at home.

It is an hour and a half since the kids headed off for day 3 of a new year and it has been a long time since I got 3 straight child free days-I have walked, fed everything that requires it, put a load of washing on and taken some photo. I am now just recruiting my strength before attacking the house...and after 2 children nesting in it all Summer am little concerned some parts could attack back!

I have to apologise, I have had all these emails about the cards as I didn't say the negotiable price. The proper cards are $2, 50 cents for postcards and 20 cents for the gift cards. A local shop wants to stock some as well-very exciting! Negotiations that have worked for payment are fabric, paypal or FQS gift vouchers from overseas, cheques are fine in Australia...and swaps are fun as well. And yes, you can have a calendar if you really want one!

First Day pics. Yes, they do wear uniforms, 99% of Australian Schools have uniforms. Australia likes their people uniform...well at least on a general level playing field. Mine are at a little private Church School, hence the tie. Most Private Schools are ties. Nearly all Schools have a 'No hat no play' policy, so the hats just go on automatically. These are great hats, equally good in winter.

Wasn't sure how the little native boy would go getting in his uniform, I can't show you the photos, but the day before he was naked swimming in a ditch with the hose and layering himself with mud. He didn't know I was watching and I have some great photos of him then attempting to wash himself and his clothes off with the hose!

Here he is showing me where a mouse got caught as he and his Dad baled me some barley straw for the calves I will rear this year. Harvest almost over, late barley and linseed to go...I am in charge of getting rid of all the pea straw to the local nurseries and gardeners who want it as mulch. I can double my money if I cart and deliver it myself...but there are still 700 bales on the 66 acres to go...not sure whether I am that enthusiastic!

And finally, look at my great mail!!! My winter Four Seasons Quilt Swap came from Wendy in Connecticut. Have emailed her to see if she has a blog for you to visit.

Isn't it gorgeous! Beautifully made and quilted with a binding that I am green with envy over. My binding are ok until the end join, I always struggle with getting that perfect.

Mine was finsihed in time, all mailed, I will do the big reveal when I know my person has it.

Have a great day...'cos I know I will! Tracey


  1. Love the first day school pics. A lot of our children are in uniform now, too. I haven't forgotten your message about the schools - it came while I was in Ca, and I'm still trying to catch up from that week!

    Love your winter swap quilt.

  2. I'm sure your kids are not pleased to be back in school. My youngest is 5 and he cries every morning before school.

    I love your winter swap quilt. Looks like she did a great job on it. Can't wait to see the one that you made...

  3. WOW.... You sound like one busy lady with all of your money making on the side. I love the quilt from the swap and can't wait to see the big reveal of the one you made!!!


  4. I thought I heard a yell from down under! Let's hope for a full week -- then dare we hope longer? LOVE your swap quilt. As for the ends of binding -- let's talk :0).

  5. No school uniforms here. I wish they did as it would save a fortune in clothes. Gorgeous winter swap quilt. I too have a "thing" about finishing off binding. How do you do it?

  6. Absolutely gorgeous quilt, how lucky you are. Your kidlets look adorable in their uniforms. At least they are nice colours. I remember my old high school uniform was khaki and brown, urrrrrgh.

  7. Your kiddies look great, all clean and polished! Love your winter quilt, it sure does look like Connecticut!

  8. lucky duck! I was really admiring that Winter swap! I am still waiting on mine to show up...though my partner loves hers...what wonderful looking children you have

  9. Hi Tracey,
    I can just imagine how adorable your son looked in the mud. It is so good to hear that there are still kids who play in the mud etc so healthy and natural.
    I think uniforms are good as it keeps everyone equal. There is less comparison to the haves and have nots which unfortunately goes on in society.
    I can relate to the Hanna Montana bit my daughter is 16 and watches that show!!!
    Hope you find time for quilting with so many activities you have going on, but you are woman and we all know how capable they are!!
    Take care from Liz

  10. This is all good stuff! Don't you just love the way kids live so free and easy? Very nice swap quilt.

  11. Don't you just love the school year *s*

  12. The school pic looks fantastic, two happy smiling faces.

    Here's hoping everyone stays happy and healthy so you can get on with making more quilts for the livestock to model.

  13. It's lovely to see the kids go back to school after a long holiday. Although I usually get a bit choked you can have too much of a good thing - lol ! Your little quilt is lovely - lucky you. And well done on the cards business.

  14. First day school pics are great. I love the policy of no hat, no play.

    It's been so long since my children went off to school that I've forgotten how wonderful it is to have them gone for a few hours each day.

    Your little quilt is adorable too.

  15. The kids look so cute. I wish ours wore uniforms.

  16. What a beautiful quilt - you are a lucky lady!

    I wish public schools here had uniforms. There is so much status linked to the clothes the kids wear - I think that would go a long way toward helping that situation.

  17. Oh the winter quilt from Wendy is lovely! I wait with bated breath to receive mine :)


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