Monday, February 04, 2008

Future planning!

I have been busy carting pea straw today...and that tends to get your mind wandering to enjoyable things.
I remember a while back there was some blog discussion about how great it would be to have an international retirement home for Quilters-how happy our families and ourselves would be to know we were going off to do and talk exactly what we loved with others who were similarly abled!
I still think there is a market for that one!! I would not be beyond it being situated in the South of France, suuny Queensland, -but actually, would it matter?
As long as they had good power, lots of good quality light, easy access to the internet and fabric sellers...and preferably a continuous quilting machine because my hands would probably be really had it by then...who would care where it was!! We could even be almost self funded...I could happily churn out quilts to sell for them all day!
But that is a pipe dream, so here is a better dream, a dinner party of international quilting bloggers, wouldn't that be fun? Well, here we go, I had this emailed to me and I think it is the perfect venue......

It is an elevated restaurant, supposedly in Belgium.
I see only one catch.......disaster will strike when we all get excited and get up to display our show and telll!!
-And no international quilter's dinner party would be complete without that!!
Are you in???????LOL Tracey


  1. I'm in for the quilter's retirement in some sunny, warm location, but I could NOT do the elevated quilter's dinner....too afraid of heights and there'd be no room for show and tell. LOL

  2. I'm up for the retirement home, and as long as you can keep me warm, I don't care where it is, either. I'll bring my own stash, and if everyone else does the same, we'll have plenty to work with for quite a while!

    The restaurant looks interesting. I could easily do that, but I want to know how they got up there. Something with the first picture just isn't right! =) How about we do one of those restaurants at the top of a Sheraton, one that turns around and around the city? There're in Houston and Phoenix, I know, and other cities, too, I think.

  3. I'm up for it too. But QLD is not so sunny these days, so it's got to be South of France. Clare could do location scouting for us :)

  4. Retirement: good. Restaurant: Not a chance you'd get me up

  5. I'm so afraid of heights! But the rest sounds GREAT!

  6. The quilters home would be good, but not the elevated restaurant...I'd lose my lunch going up there.

  7. I"m in! But my family would just roll their eyes! But I have to skip dinner at that restaurant - I hate heights - I dont' think I could even get up there!

  8. I'm in - providing the tables and chairs are firmly attached to the ground - I'm terrified of heights...vbg. Actually a quilters retirement home sounds wonderful.
    The restaurant does look interesting but I couldn't eat there - I'd be too worried about dropping a knife, or fork or even me and lets face it the ground is a long, long way away.

  9. I'm in, but not there.. any restaurant that straps you into the seat scares me. I'll join the retirement home, too. I vote for a cool location so I feel more motivated to make quilts.

  10. Oh good gracious, trust you to find that picture Tracey. What on earth do they do if they have to go pee during dinner! Yikes!

  11. The quilter's retirement home somewhere warm sounds heavenly! But no thanks on the restaurant as a venue -- the spools of thread one drops could be a real nightmare there! LOL

  12. Hi Tracey,
    Count me in on the retirement home.
    Tuscany would be a great place!!
    You wouldn't have to worry about me getting up for show and tell at the suspended restaurant I would be frozen to the chair in sheer terror. I couldn't even walk across the Sydney Harbour bridge when we visited for a holiday a couple of years ago. I am a complete wuss regarding heights and lots of other things!!!!!!!
    Kind regards from Liz

  13. Sounds good to me -I'm in! - just tell me where and when - and hopefully I can still toddle there on my own power.


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