Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My winter swap quilts
I am seriously considering a second career. Oh wait, as a stay at home (sometimes) Mum , I probably really effectively have another 4 or 5 careers, so lets start over.....

I have made a discovery that consultants out there somewhere could have been paid 100's of thousands of dollars to research, are you ready for the info?

Quilters, are not into heights a-t a-l-l!!!! And ok, I only have the majority of my comments from my last post to back this up...but heck, Governments have gone to war with less researched evidence than that!!
I got a very positive response about my retirement home though, the general feeling seems to be if we got it up and running right now, most of us wouldn't care less about that little specification of "retired". It would be the only retirement home in the world where young(ish) people were dressing up as Mrs. Doubtfire to get in!
But, on a sadder note, no-one wants to come to my dinner party because Quilter's don't like heights...and I don't think it is just because it is hard (read 'death-defying) to show your show and tell, or that your thread drops further than under the couch-I think it may just be a quilting thing, even genetic...you know, like redheads are said to have tempers, blondes are not as clever theoretically-but have more fun... and quilters don't like heights.
Lucky for you I was flexible on the venue!
Huge news...the Australian post office system successfully delivered my Four Seasons Quilt Swap, so you can see it now.
It went to Jodie at Jelly Wares and she says she loves it so I am happy about that.
Here is the finished article. I appliqued the hexagons on-and handstitched down the binding, thankfully my hands survived...thank you gloves!
I showed the calves the two together...no hanging them over the calves that day...Jodie's was on a deadline and I wasn't sure she would appreciate it arriving smelling of manure!
Heinrich the calf is obviously over quilts-he is sticking out his tongue! Models...they are so temperamental, someone should tell them to eat more-it works for me.
Anyway, what a fun swap...thanks to Margaret the organizer, a huge job and very well done, Tracey


  1. Sweet quilts, I especialy like your hexagon one.
    I'm glad you didn't totally abandon your models as pics of your quilts without livestock just wouldn't be right.

  2. You did a great job on you hexagons! I have an aunt that could sew hexagons ALL day!!! I always love seeing you photos.

  3. Tracey, I've been reading some months of your blog, and I love it! I like very much your quilts, blocks and colours, your fantastic photos from the farm. I found you through Anne Ida's blog, and I congratulate you on you luck!
    I've never seen such a nice log cabin as you have got! And the hexagons...well, I'm very inspired!

  4. Love the hexagons! So glad your hands stood up to it too.

  5. I got nervous just looking at that picture! of the restaurant, not your quilts! LOL. they are perfect

  6. Oh that hexagon quilt is so cute! And especially next to the 2 calves!

  7. Gotta love those hexes *s* This swap has been such fun . . . every piece I have seen is just wonderful.

  8. Once again Tracey.... THANKYOU!!! I love my little quilt so much.
    I hope you don't mind if I link to your blog on my post about your quilt so that people can check out your great pictures of it....


  9. Oooh -- love those hexagons! Both of your winter swaps (the one you made and recieved) are lovely Tracey! I also love the idea of the diner party, though, I must say the heights thing could be a bit of a problem (and let's not mention the lack of passport and/or way to get to Belgium). Sigh. The international quilter's dinner would be lovely though!

  10. Your swap quilt is great...you chose a challenging one. No doubt at all that it is well loved!

    Those are two healthy looking calves that are eying up those quilts. They might like to take a little taste of those yummy looking beauties! Heeheehe...thanks for supporting the Sharon giveaway by signing up at Stillmeadow Quilting.

  11. Nice job on the hexis - so glad it arrived at the other end. I think mine's arrived at the PO so I'll have to go check!

  12. Felicitari pentru blog!Este printre preferatele mele!

  13. Hi Tracey,
    The hexagon quilt turned out just beautiful :)
    Kind regards from Liz

  14. "You make my day"... Pop by and have a look...


  15. Tracey, for you!
    Disregard the heading, LOL!

  16. Your table runner is lovely, great job on the hexagons.


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