Saturday, February 09, 2008

Straw wife

Hi, been a bit quiet on the blog as the Pea Straw plan is going along with a capital P and I have been carting bales to the stack and to town all week. Allowed myself a little buy up at the Quilt in a Day sale yesterday (thanks?? Kim!) with some of my earnings. I also went to the gym twice but with all that carting I probably needn't have...still not miraculously skinny-why doesn't it work like that!!

I haven't done a lot of sewing, but I have done a lot of book covering. I have a question-who was the sod who invented the silver backed groovy contact for books because it has been driving me crazy-this pile took 5 hours that could have been spent sewing!!
Went to Quilters last night so borrowed all their good show and tell, I am happy to share!!
Robyn had her Thimbleberries back from the Long armer, it is flannel front and back and she is enjoying it during our Summer cold snap.

Kerrin has been working on her Thimbleberries kit, she had a little mishap and had to add in some non-Thimbleberries to cover. She is using her scraps to piece a border that wasn't in the original plan.

Robyn has been spinning and dying yarn. She was using this natty gadget to roll her hanks into a ball-I remember Mum always utilizing our arms to get this done and her balls did not wrap this nicely!

Here is is closer, she spun silk and spun a fine merino fleece, then plyed them together and rainbow dyed them to get this fabulous efffect-see, knitting fans, i may not do much but I appreciate the results!
Off to have date night!!! Better get beautiful! Tracey


  1. Oh, yarn content, an added bonus! Particularly since that yarn is so pretty.

  2. Sounds like you have been so busy! I bet you can't wait to get back to sewing. Sometimes we just need a little break.

  3. Ok, I'm drooling over that yarn here. No, not just drooling -- my keyboard is in danger of floating away!!!! (and the ball winder is really cool -- I must get one for myself, I've been using the one at the yarn shop and it's just so darned cool!) The quilts are lovely -- and the books look like they would drive you crazy. You know -- it might be a good time to work with the kids on a little craft project (called cover your own books...).

  4. Busy busy busy huh? I remember covering books. My own! I guess it's the kids books, why are you doing it? LOL
    Thanks for the show and tell.

  5. The yarn is gorgeous!! I hope you get back to sewing really soon. I remember covering my own books too.
    I tagged you on my blog. You can check out the rules there:

  6. Date night sounds like more fun than covering books!


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