Tuesday, December 11, 2007

with 14 days 'til Christmas...

Other than being busy, I have been a little quiet on the computer front this week as I checked my usage and I had racked up a $45 excess bill! We are on satellite so it already costs a fair bit per month....I wasn't sure I was going to be able to convince DH I wasn't having an internet affair so thought I had better cool it off. He would never understand it was an affair with quilts and fabric! I think that all the security updates suck it up as well. Well, we will keep putting it down to that! Thankfully today is a new month so I am good to go!

I had the most fascinating visit to Melbourne on Saturday for DD's tummy; the only thing missing was Obi-Wan's voice calling...."use the force!"
The lady we saw came highly recommended as "worth a try" so we did. She used kinesiology and muscle testing and reflexology and bells........I was way out of my depth. She told me something at one point and I quizically said, "you reckon?" and was very soon told that "I don't reckon, I know"! I felt like that old 70's song Mum had on all the records that also had Dolly Parton and Kenny doing duets ..."get out non-believers or the rain will never come, someone keep that fire burning, somebody beat the drum!!"- especially as DD has then had her first fully good week in a few months!
She was funny, she walked out of the place and got in the car, then said, "Mum, I have a question, was that lady using crystal balls... because we aren't into that?" I said, no, she was just using her God-given talents to fix you up and then DD announced it had worked, she was better.
I am still more likely to be kicked out than asked to beat the drum, but it is great to see her feeling good especially as the doctors were all just telling us to 'live with it, she may grow out of it, or not.' So I will keep you posted.

Just when I had overcome the aero bars...or they overcame me....I was given this at School yesterday for a year of story time...sigh...now I have to eat them!
School finishes tomorrow and life should be far less hectic, plenty of time for quiet chocolate eating.

Took a photo of this at Ladies fellowship break-up for you, very cute and well loved.
And speaking of cute and well-loved...the day is coming when these are moving on to their new homes, but at the moment they are being dragged around in their Aristocats basket and the pram, being the babies for Mums and Dads'!

There are still 14 days to Christmas...fortunately...as I have decided to make my Dad a whole new Q/S bed quilt instead of just enlarging his other one. I found this great fabric that is just him, even the same tractor, motorbike, dog and woolshed...and he is the quintessential Australian stockman and shearer, always with his wide brimmed Akubra hat on.... this fabric just has to turn itself into a quilt in a fortnight, plus I need to quilt my sisters shirt top, and Roman Holiday pieces and make a few other things...surely all achievable...if Icome up with a plan ...and don't sleep!
Laila's Secret Santa Christmas Swap gift from me has arrived in Norway, thank goodness! For details on what that swap was, visit Donna at Chookyblue.
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Glad the alternative therapy worked. Sometimes we can't explain why :)

    Love the fabric for your dad's quilt - very Australian. A quilt in two weeks?! Wow, I'm really impressed.

  2. Good luck with the quilt. I hope your daughter continues to feel better. Whatever works, alternative or not, go for it.

  3. I'm saying some prayers that your DD keeps on feeling great!!!!! Glad she has been having some good days!

  4. How nice that DD is having some really good days. Love the teddy stitchery - how cute it that?

  5. Listen Tracey - no matter how sceptical you might be about any type of therapy - if it works don't knock it - hope she continues to improve. As for the stitching front welcome to the sweat shop - we'll get there in the end! (I hope)

  6. Glad she's doing better! If it works, why not? I used to be a strong skeptic, but I've learned to respect the powers of things other than what I'm used to. Continued good luck to her and you. And so for the chore of eating up that chocolate.. you know I'd be so happy to take it off your hands and be as helpful as I possibly can be.

  7. Good luck with all that quiltind. Happy to hear your daughter is doing better. Not sure what is wrong with her but I used to have a stomach I could live without. What ever works is a good thing!


  8. Awww, sweet kitties! That one with the white nose is like a photo negative of my siamese... wonder what they'd make of her?

  9. Ok, and here I thought MY list was insane! The quilt for your dad is going to be great -- but, nope, you aren't going to be sleeping any time soon!

  10. Great news on the alternative treatment . . . you just never know where relief may be found *s*

  11. Love the fabric, soooo Australian.
    Do you remember the HBA ad where the therapist is banging two fish together over the patient??? Let them bang away if it works!

  12. That fabric is great - I'm sure your dad will love it.

  13. I am so glad that your daughter is feeling better.


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