Friday, December 07, 2007

It's here!

Finally got a few minutes to clean my house today...and look what I found!
What a temptation-especially after I actually wore my bathers in front of non-related humans at the School swimming sports yesterday! That also resulted in my first blue swimming ribbon in about 25 years....yes we adults really wiped the floor with those 11 year olds!!

But the sports went very well, in 33 degree celcius weather so there was a lot of sunscreen and t-shirt reminding done. DD lasted the day which was great as swimming is her favourite thing.

Far bigger excitement here today than just finding the beautiful and scrumptious Aero bars, my SSCS came....and all the way from about the polar opposite area to here-Iceland!
I had noticed on my Statcounter that I was getting visits from Iceland...never twigging that it was Godrun. Now if I could only work out who visits me from Alaska and that little Island off Africa...speak now, you fascinate me. As a Northern Exposure devotee, I really love Alaska.....not just John Corbett.
So Thank you in anticipation Godrun, as I regularly lurk on your blog and know your talentsI am very excited about my gift!

I had to take it out of the envelope as it was almost out itself..only held in by a bit of bubble wrap. The actual parcel is still intact and the kids and I put the tree up tonight just so it could go under.

I promised you Chris' second Kaffe Fassett effort, also from Kaffe's book, and as I have been busy it is about the only quilting I can show. Next week should be all go again here. Not tomorrow though, I have an 800 km round trip to see someone new about DD's tum.
I was very impressed with these triangles, no flying geese seam. There would have been if I was doing it! Chris worked it all out very well....I don't think I am that patient.
Have a lovely weekend, Tracey


  1. I admire all you gals who are able to not take just a little (teensy) sneak peek into the packages . . . can't wait to see your treats *s*

  2. What an absolutely beautiful quilt, I adore the colours. As for the parcel, you have the patience of a saint. I have a parcel here from an ornament exchange but we all get to open it next week. I'm still not sure if I can last that long, but I'm trying!!!

  3. So, explain to me Aero bars. I might need to find some. =) She did a really nice job on her quilt. I would have had the seams, too. I'd have that parcel ripped open, too. =)

  4. I am glad that the parcel arrived safely at your home ;) I was trying not to come very often for a visit to your blog as I thought you would then know who your swap partner was because I am the only one from Iceland. I do hope that your daughter will get better.

  5. Have a safe trip and I hope you get some good news.

    That quilt is gorgeous, especially the triangles in the border!

  6. Oooh -- what fun stuff in the mail and that you "found" (those are yummy!!!). As for the triangles -- they're really not that hard. Honest. Don't believe me? I've made an entire quilt of them!

  7. Guðrún and I have exchanged twice now and you will LOVE what she sent to you! She is such a talented lady!

  8. Good to know I'm not the only one looking at my map of visitors to my blog and wondering what the heck's out there in the middle of nowhere, or the ocean, or whatever--since my geography isn't stellar, half the time I have no idea what I'm looking at anyway! LOL!

  9. Oooh, a package from Iceland, cool for you!

  10. Yummy!! I loved those candies! I went to the Post Office yesterday to ask them what I could do about the package I sent to you...all that fabric!!!! WAHHHHH! They said there is nothing we could do but wait and since I live where I do (don't want to call out a whole country) theft is always a problem. Let's give it til after the new year and then if you still don't have it I will wail and gnash my teeth and send you something else just as delightful. :)
    Cheers Mate!!
    (that was me channeling my inner Aussie heeheehee)

  11. Hi Tracey. Do you recall which of Kaffe's books the wonderful zig zag quilt is from? It is stunning.

    I will have a look in town tomorrow for the fabric for your Dad's quilt - can't say I've seen it around though. Great fabric. Will let you know if I can find any. I commiserate with your dilemma - I always just seem to be the smallest amount short for all sorts of projects & kick myself for not buying extra.


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