Friday, November 09, 2007

Thanks, but he is all mine!
Hi, pleased you like my quilt frame...and the DH!
Always knew he was a keeper, only thing that surprises me is that no-one snavelled him in the 15 years he waited for me!!
Also, Dawn-Marie, you left a comment about a zipper for the quilt frame, that makes for easy loading of the tops. You are no-reply and I can't get to your blog, can you email me with more info please?
Also, Wadding, I want to get it in a roll, what is the best type and who might deliver it here at a less that $18 per metre rate? Answers to either question appreciated!


  1. hello there stranger, I know why no one snavelled him
    . he was waiting for the perfect wife ..... YOU..... love always Suz

  2. Tracey,

    I will email you! Sorry been away just got your message.



Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!