Friday, November 09, 2007

I have been having a few trips down memory lane in the last week.

I attempted to sort out some of my 100's of photos and have taken the kids albums at least to 2005! There still seem to be a lot of loose photos to be sorted and many to be printed but I am seeing some reduction. Sad when you have a photos stash as well as a fabric one!

The other trip down memory lane was while looking for old baby clothes patterns for Ruth in South Africa. i found a good amount and then became all nostalgic so had to go back through the photos again. I am sorry now I didn't take more photos of the kids to specifically see the outfits-but who knew I would ever care! (Totally unrelated aside, but is blogger all of a sudden uploading photos quickly for everyone, how fantastic is that!!!!)

I found a few that I thought I would share, and as my scanner hates me, I took pictures of them in the albums so excuse the quality!

I am not a cross stitcher, but got all nesty when I found a book of all the cross stitch motives from classic and popular children's books and made a few. Here is Maisy the mouse on a jumper I made for DD. It took me forever to cross stitch so when the sleeves got too short on the jumper I added cuffs to make it last longer. then when my sister had her boy I cut it off the jumper and made it the centre panel for a little quilt to match is wall murals. I really do hate waste!!!

Baby born needs matching outfuts, here are "the girls" in their dresses, both even had matching bags.

Now, it is not the dress upsetting my girl here, it is the tiger prowling behind her at the zoo that she isn't sure about!

Isn't this great chook material, when it got too short, I cut the bottom off and used it as a ruffle type arrangement for the top to be a tunic style shirt.

This was my take on Barbie as Rapunzel, DD'd favourite movie at the time of her 5th dress-up party. No pattern just shirring elastic mainly. I love shirring elastic for girls clothes.

And, of course, i can't leave my boy out!!There were innumerable sleepsuits and overalls. I found about 5 metres of this fabric at an op shop and made him heaps of rompers with zips or studs in the legs. I felt a little like Maria in the Sound of Music making play clothes out of the curtains, but he was always getting into filthy things and dribbling , he was also a nappy taker offerer, these washed like rags and took some taking off in the cot-just Dh thought he looked like a prison escapee!...And no, he didn't always have 3 dummies, but would've if he could've!

I have all of DD's old clothes that were precious, and many worn ones that couldn't be handed down. I have also kept the leftover material scraps as I am intending making her a quilt from her old clothes. I have been seeing a few of the people one around the net and think this may be just the thing for her next birthday.


  1. How fabulous to walk with you down your memory lane :) LOL at the tiger causing that concerned look. Glad you pointed it out otherwise I would not have noticed!

  2. What fun it is to look back. Maybe some of the outfits can even be saved for the next generation. The Princess wore several things that belonged to me and they are now tucked safely in the cedar chest waiting for the next generation *s*

  3. It is fun looking back. Times seems to just rush by...I have lots of photos of me, my mom and also my grandma in cute little outfits.
    Loved the photo of your son with the 3 pacifiers!

  4. Love those outfits. I'm having such fun making things for my own dd -- and thanks for the idea of saving pieces of them for a quilt for her down the road!

    As for the batting and zippers -- I think 1/2 the zipper attaches to the frame and the other 1/2 is pinned or basted?!? to your quilt?!? -- It's supposed to make loading the quilts on the frame easier (less pinning?) This is a link I found:

    Batting? (wading for you :0)) I LOVE quilter's dream. With the weak dollar, might do for you to order it from the US. Even on a roll.


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