Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Remind me he doesn't have to stress about Christmas.

Wandered past the local sewing machine shop a few weeks ago, saw a sign in the window saying, "come and try the new Husqvarna Inspira quilting frame". Unusually enough, DD was actually at school and I was at leisure, a dangerous combination!

Now, some people are quilters, they race through the patchwork to get to the quilting stage....they quilt wholecloths, something i appreciate the look of ...and may even try one day....but the love of the quilting process is not why I cut up my little pieces of fabric.

I love the patchwork of it, the sewing together of the little bits, (like the pixels that make up a photo) to get the big picture. I adore using the discarded and giving it a second life but I equally love holding a beautiful fabric range, like my Roman Holiday pieces, in my hands to play with.

I have all this fabulous creative fun...then the basting and finishing comes along and spoils it for me, wrecking my knees, further upsetting the old scoliosis and generally bringing the whole process to a halt....amd I hate a slowed finish.

I tried the wooden quilting frame and was very happy with it-until I went inside the doors of the sewing machine shop.

I saw, I played, I took a brochure and went home.

I told DH I had a new project for the egg money, yes, it may take until DD goes to University but it is fun to save.
Put the brochure on the office fridge, told the quilting girls and pretty much left it at that.

Then, the Saturday after shearing, DH turned to me and asked where he needed to order my Christmas present, I hazily asked what he meant and turns out he meant this.......

I said, "but i was going to save!' and he answered, "don't worry, you can always think of something else!!"

And of course if the deal is far more reasonable with the Husqvarna Viking Mega quilter machine and a DH thinks that you have had a tough year...etc etc, then you may even have this as well......

It can be used separately to the quilting frame, but i doubt it will ever be off.

It all arrived yesterday, the shopowners husband and DH spent hours setting it up, I just have to add the laser for following the patterns ...and the practise fabric and batting...and it will be right to go- after i watch the DVD of course.

It is on a moveable slide so it moves forward and back and up and down, you quilt all the one length, then just roll the quilt on the the next section. It can be done with the laser, following patterns, or free hand, using those handles you can see at the top of the machine. It is not quite a longarmer, but then I have no intention of taking other work in-I would lose my patchwork time- probably just letting my quilting girls have a go. It will make a lot more sense when you see it all set up with a quilt loaded.

So my husband is smelling about as sweet as this rose at present, he wasn't sure about me getting it pre-Christmas, says I will be disappointed on the day!!! But i just have so many quilt plans/tops, I couldn't wait 7 weeks!

Will I be disappointed on the day girls?? I shouldn't think so, but that is where you better remind me!

Off to go and dream happy quilting dreams! Tracey

Gratitudes: Need you ask!


  1. Oh, wow! What a sweet hubby you have! Lucky girl!! :o) Enjoy your new toy and dream many quilty dreams!

  2. Oh you lucky duck, what a sweet hubby you have. Do you rent him out? a wonderful pressie. I'm sure you'll be a happy camper for a very long time.

  3. OMG - you are a lucky girl! I wouldn't be disappointed on the day .... not at all. I'm sure you're going to such a lot of fun finishing off quilts. Can't wait to see what you do!

  4. What a great gift! I wish my husband was that generous!

  5. We'll have to trade tips!!1 Look at My Monday's entry!!!

  6. Wow!!! Enjoy this new gift. I look forward to seeing your quilted beauties.

  7. Wow - whatta Christmas gift. Enjoy!

  8. You lucky, lucky girl ! I am SO jealous. I feel like you - much prefer to piece than quilt. Your hubby is a treasure !

  9. That's fabulous! I hope you kissed him silly. =) You will love machine quilting. I don't think you'll be disappointed at all on Christmas morning. =) Wish I were there to come play on it, too! I'm one of those who pieces so I have something to quilt, hand or machine, and I miss my longarm tremendously.

    Hurry and piece a Christmas top, so you'll be able to have it loaded on the day. :)
    {I got goosebumps for}
    In the states, we call them "Mid-arms". CONGRATULATIONS!!

  11. Wow, wow, wow! You are a lucky girl. How fun!!! You deserve it! Do you have a stack of floppies sitting around?

  12. And I thought my DH was good - what a hero - bet you still have a little something to open on Christmas morning too :o)

  13. Oooh - lucky you! How exciting, and how generous of your DH. Look forward to seeing what you quilt with it.

  14. Oh, I got one similar to that earlier this year - and a new Juki to use with it. I thought, like you, that I wouldn't use the Juki off the frame but its just fabulous for free motion quilting, so much better than the pfaff. It goes off and on the frame all the time. And my quilting friends have actually quilted more tops on the frame than I have so far... but I'm hoping to catch up with them soon

  15. Congrats on your early present! I got one last year and love it!! once you get used to it, you will have sooo much fun!

  16. WOW OMG I will be reminding you what you got........what a dh....better get that harvest in now..........LOL...........have heaps of fun as I know you when are the girls coming around and how many have to quilted already.........

    OH MY GOSH!!!
    OH MY!!!
    He certainly is a keeper!!! That is just so wonderful and I'm really happy for you!!!!

  18. wow your hubby is a keeper lol
    you will need to let us all know how it goes.
    I am looking at one the same but will need the egg money hehe
    have fun playing with it
    hugs Beth

  19. Congratulations - what a wonderful hubby you have - but I'm sure you deserved it. Honestly you won't know yourself with a quilting machine - they are amazing. Lets face it the more you can quilt then the more tops you can peice guilt free...vbg.

  20. My Word, Girl - you hardly even hinted, much less, asked for, or wished for ... you must have the power! What an incredible event!!! You're going to have to be really good to that man!

  21. I think I'm in love with your hubby!

    Oh, the set-up ain't bad either, lol.

    Green with envy!

  22. Lucky you! I have been looking and looking at them and decided to get myself one too. I'm glad to hear you like it and I may be on your case with questions when I finally get mine. Did you know that there is a Yahoo group about this machine? It's at:

  23. Oh boy you sure are going to have tons of fun with that. But let me make a suggestion. I would use some of that egg money and get zippers for the leaders. It will make loading your quilt soooo much easier. Not only do I have a set but a couple of my friends have their own sets for when they come over and use my APQS.


  24. What a guy! I bet he will be in the good books for some time to come. I'd love something like that, but I don't really have the room, unless I got rid of the spare bed. Who wants visitors anyway?

  25. Oh -- my, what a dear, sweet man. And disappointed on Christmas? Well -- if he's worried about that he COULD arrange for you to be able to spend an hour or so in your studio on the day -- let you just go and play with your new toy!

  26. What? You've never heard of the 45+ days of Christmas? Comes between the three french hens and the six geese a-laying thing...hehehe

  27. That is a good present !!! Enjoy it !! Congratulations !! Hugs from Chile , Vero


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