Thursday, November 29, 2007

Aint no Roman Holiday here!
........Though I do have a blue motorbike, just not a Vespa.

There seem to be many and varied animal visitors that appear at my front door. Luckily there is room at the Inn as there were a few more this week.

Here is the latest visitor, thankfully only to Tracey's half way house, not the bed and breakfast.

My MIL caught this in her bathroom, had made a hole in the flyscreen. I was asked to handle it. It is a Ringtail possum, an Australian native. See the tail-hence the name.

They are very cute, the tail is for climbing. DS and I took it away to a nice house less farm, doesn't he look happier now....

Unfortunately Sigmund the calf has also joined the ranks, on a more permanent basis. He is called Sigmund because I think he will have mother issues... and Oedipus was too tricky for the kids.

Last farewells, apparently a torn uterine lining in a cow is a fait accompli.

Here's one last pic to really tug at the hearts on today's episode of 'The Bovine and the Beautiful."

There's a poppy that I have managed to acquire as a cross between pink fluffy and red single-that is SO my pink. It is meant to lighten the tone.....

And so is this, more midnight madness, made this one while watching Sabrina Fair, I love Audrey Hepburn...I am working around all these secret things that I am making but cannot post pics of.

Used up more of the Roman Holiday Charm pack...and a bit of the extra stash. I think it must have been 2 charm packs, it is going a long way. I used the 3 fridge magnets again to stop it blowing away.....just because you cat lovers have been good.

-and here is one more, just because you had to get the bad news about the cow....
They are two weeks old on Sunday, so just getting used to opening their eyes.


The Calico Cat said...

Who is cuter? Sigmund or those kittens? HMMM...

Joyce said...

Did you say you had a farm or a zoo? Lol. Love the quilt.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh good, more lovely farm-y photos! Love them. 8-)

Anonymous said...

Very cute quilt weights, love your quilt top, if you can't remember where it's going I'll send my address. That'll

Lucy said...

I never heard of the ringtail possum. It is a darling! what an animals do you have around Tracey !

Unknown said...

Audrey Hepburn is one of my all-time favourites too - I actually cried when she died

Susan said...

You get B & B in Oz? I never knew! Watched that for years before it got to be too much for me. =) Love your animals - and the kitty weights are the best! Poor little ringtail was just lost, wasn't he!

Chookyblue...... said...

hey Dr quilt.......

Libby said...

A darling little menagerie you have going there *s*

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I'm so glad you shared the kitten pics because I'm crying over mommy cow! Poor thing. And that ring tailed thing - man I thought it was a rat at quick glance - sorry that one jsut gives me the heebie jeebies!

Ruth's Place said...

You made me cry about the cow! But the kittens are sooo cute and I love your new quilt top.

Anne Ida said...

Oh, no! Sorry to hear about Sigmund's Mom! Hope he'll be all right! He is so cute!

The Ringtail possum is adorable - happy he is free and enjoying himself :o)

Love what you are doing with the Roman Holiday line!

atet said...

Love the quilt! Sorry about the cow -- and I hope Sigmund doesn't take too much after his namesake (though -- I LOVE the fact that you wanted to name him Oedipus!).

I do love your photos -- think you could bottle that color of the poppy and send it my way?

Sweet P said...

Those kittens are adorable and they make wonderful weights.