Tuesday, November 13, 2007

200th post...give the photo a name.

Last weekend we had 4 inches of rain and this weekend I spent all my time supervising the kids in the pool. The coming week is predicted to get up towards the high 30's, or 100 fahrenheit.

I have decided we should have built the pool next to the sewing room, with big windows so i could do my odd yell of 'stop jumping on/don't drown your sister!' while actually achieving something.

I did 3/4 finish my Christmas shopping yesterday, and half finish-I mean help to finish, one child's project for School.

The kids and I have been bike riding, we came across this fellow when we were looking around the sheep.

Now you would really have to wonder why a ram would do this, he was completely hooked with both horns, we tried unsuccessfully for a while to get him unhooked, but the chances of not losing a finger to the wire weren't looking good so the kids had to ride home and call Dad, who still took a while. Looks like he has had other difficulties previously as he was already short half a horn.

Had quilters on Friday night, I have a few other quilts to share, but blogger is doing that thing where he can't connect so they will wait.

This is Christine's Kaffe Fassett blocks. She is making one for herself and her daughter, following the pattern from his book. It looks very similar to the book, nice and bright....I was a little inclined to put chocolate brown sashing between the blocks, as there is brown in some of the fabrics, but that doesn't seem to be what Kaffe does.

I have realised this is my 200th post!

I just had a comments competition for my blogiversary, so I think I will borrow from the Pioneer woman and have a "name the photo or at least tell me what he is thinking".

Here is the photo, notice even the flies are conspiring against him. I wonder what is going on in that mind...or any males' to be honest.

You have until Sunday.
Also, still wondering if anyone can help with the batting query or getting Dawn-Maree to contact me again re Quilt frame "zippers".
Have agreat day, Tracey


Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Here is my try..... :)
This is a fine kettle of fish!!

heehee This is fun!

Kim said...

I should have heeded my horoscope and stayed home today.


They make it look so easy on "Dancing with the stars"

dot said...

What Next??? That is what I would be thinking.

Kim said...

Okay, here's what I think he's thinking:

"Maybe if I just look like I'm resting my head on this board, no one will notice that I've been stupid enough to get myself stuck again."

Anonymous said...

Well here's a good Aussie one. "Saw the light on, thought I'd just pop in for a visit"....

Leah Spencer said...

"Well, there was this girl..."

Yeah, looks like he was trying to impress "somebody" with his hooking abilities. ;)

Erin said...

he's thinking I am going to snort and blow them off my face with my germs!!!

Leigh said...

What about, I've got my eye on "ewe"

Ruth's Place said...

"The grass was greener...honestly!"

Congrats on your 200th post.

May Britt said...

LOL Poor guy. He is thinking:
And they told me it is so up to date with piercing......

Bea said...

"Tomorrow is a new day little girl! Take care!"


"Look in my eyes, darling."

I think it was a hard day for him.
Hope he will be free now and know, that he never will go so near to the wire.
Happy quilting and...
happy 200th post!

~Bren~ said...

He made it...just under the wire.

Personally I like "the grass is greener" caption!

Chookyblue...... said...

LOL.......yes you are sounding like the pioneer woman and then I see you mentioned her.........lol.......congrats on the 200th post...........
....."maybe now they will let me get my horns clipped"
(you know like the ear peice thingy)......

chook said...

congrats on your 200th post hmmm how about
oopp`s I did it again

silly old fella what was he thinking[ midlife crisis]
hugs Beth

Susan said...

I have no title for the photo, but knowing men, I can hear his side of the cell phone conversation. "Sorry, honey, I'll be late for dinner. I got tied up at work." =)

Jenni said...

Silly old boy. Can't think of anything good. Love the Kaffe blocks - that salmon pink colour is one of my favourites.

Lily Mulholland said...

I've never bought batting by the metre Tracey, so I'm no help sorry!

Okay. The Ram:

"You're asking me why I did this, right? To see if I could, of course. I am a male after all."

What a funny photo. I bet he wasn't laughing though!

Unknown said...

Here is my caption: I know ewe told me not to but I could not help it!
He is a male after all!
Happy 200th post and to many more to come. Take care.

Saska said...

My caption for the poor guy..

"...if you gotta minute...I've got this problem."

atet said...

Ok, I love Mama Koch's caption but -- I've gotta try my hand at this one!

"I've got them right where I want them -- if I keep this up, they'll never ask me to go near the fence again"

You know -- the way some husbands "mess up" doing housework hoping never to be asked to do it again :0).


"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

Something I seem to say on a regular basis!

Gizmo said...

Congrats on your 200th post.
Poor guy...here's my guess...
"Hooked on a feeling..."

Joyce said...

That'll teach me for getting a perm in my horns.

The Calico Cat said...

"Hook em Horns" (Makes a whole lot more sense if you are from Texas...)

Susie said...

Congrats on your 200th post Tracey!
How about "Ewe won't want to try this at home!"

Carol said...

"Hmmmmph, well if I had hands I'd be able to scratch my head the normal way!!!!"

Congrats on the 200th post.

Kim said...

Would love to join you for a game of head butting, but I'm a bit tied up with this fencing job right now...

Actually...I suspect he "got a bit too "rammy" while scratching an itch"!

Silly ram. He is indeed fortunate to be discovered before more trouble found him.

QuiltingFitzy said...

OH! How about...

"OK, OK, I'll ask directions next time!"

"Hello? I have this friend who has a little problem..."

"All dressed up, and no place to go"

"I can still take you on with both horns tied"

Congrats on the blogiversary!