Tuesday, November 20, 2007

200th post caption winner

Life goes on around here as I try to sew, the houndstooth is the quilt that is coming along...so much for not getting distracted.

DH is busy with harvest so I am basically in charge of everything, DD also at home with the tummy pains so I can't really leave the house to play in the sewing room with the new toy. I have transported the sewing machine to the house but there is no way I am moving that frame!

These Willy Wagtails are nesting outside my sewing room window, under the fuel tank. I love these birds, they "talk" to you and like to be around people. I am also very impressed with the shared parenting.

Here is Dad watching my every move.

Weaned some calves, here is Archie the wonderdog thinking he is a cattle dog. He very quickly bolted to outside the fence when they kept inspecting him.

Here is a have to read!

I finished it really quickly, then Robyn borrowed it and was reading it making tea. Thank you to everyone who suggested these books to me, the great mix of a bit of quilting, good characters and a good story as well has been very enjoyable.

And my boy is providing the sparkler fireworks for the announcement of the winner of the 200th post caption for this photo.

I don't know how the Pioneer woman does it, she gets 1000's of entries. I loved all mine, but coming from a family of comics and a stand-up comedian brother, I am a sucker for a pun. I also loved that this one was all about the particular photo, so Leigh, who presently has her blog in hiatus, wins the prize for, "I've got my eye on you"

Ruth is an extremely close second with "The grass was greener...honestly", then there was Kim with "they make it look so easy on dancing with the stars"....and all the rest of you caption writers.- All too clever, so you get this poppy picture posted as a thanks!

Have a great day, Tracey


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Leigh, well done. Love today's photo's.

atet said...

Hehehehe -- hope you get to go play in the sewing room soon (and that the tummy pains lessen quickly so that can happen). Love the captions that were submitted -- *hugs*.

Susan said...

What an interesting life you lead. Hope your DD is on the mend!

Ruth's Place said...

Congratulations to Leigh! This was a really fun contest.

Leigh said...

Glad you liked my little pun Trace, but I'm sure my family would ask you not to encourage me,lol.

Saska said...

Gotta ask...what is DH harvesting?

We're weaning calves too. Have 58 of them in the lot (too close to the house) who are constantly calling "moo-mama"!

bettsylyn (Lynda) said...

Just to let you know I picked up the fourth book in the emilie richards series - Touching Stars at Big W today. I had been looking on the net for it and was going to order it. Then I saw it at Big W in the romance books ( harlequin) which are 40% off so I got it for just over $10.00. That's a lot cheaper than I paid for the other earlier books. If you are unable to source it and are interested then I can get you a copy and send it down. I don't know how close you are to Big W.

Anne Ida said...

Congratulations to Leigh! Great pun in that title :o) Sorry, but seeing that picture I just can't get over the image of "smalahovud" (a dish that is very common in the western part of Norway - basically it is half a sheeps head salted and boiled and served as is... eye looking up at you from the plate - never tried it, but they say it's a delicacy) *lol*
Great photos! I'll have a look out for that book.

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners, you chose well! it was fun to take part and now I am looking forward to your 300th post! Take care.