Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Winners and Op Shop finds.

Thank you to the many people who commented in Blogiversary week. I will get the minutes to personally return each email....but until I do, thanks again!

The winning quilt ended up being Joshua's. I don't need to give it a prize as the love it is getting is enough! I am not sure if it was the quilt or the happy boy next to it, but it won anyway. Narrowly edged out Gratitudes. But nearly everything got a vote, which just goes to show that we all have out own preferences.

The winning commenters were just drawn by my girl, who is home as she unfortunately only got 4 days between bouts this time, rather than the usual 6-8 weeks.
Drum roll please, here are the results...........

So I will be getting in contact with loulee and Laurie Ann and something special just to suit them will be on it's way....this year!!
As they say, when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping...well, real retail therapy could get a trifle pricey if I hit the shops every time my daughter wasn't well, but op shops, well that's another story-and all going to charity of course!
Do you always round up at Op Shop/Thrift shops, even to the next $10.... especially if you know you have a bargain? It is a easy thing you can do that makes a big difference to charities.

I have picked up a few good bargains of late, so I had better share, I wont burden you with all the books, just the more interesting stuff.
Great blue check flanelette dressing gown, pink chenille bedspread, yellow chenille bedspread and big piece of vinyl that just didn't want to stay there, preferred being stored in my shelves for "just" when I need vinyl!!
The pink chenille was in the dog blanket section for $1.50 as it has a little stain-we'll soon cut around that.

Cute little expanding wine rack that will be perfect to hang up for strips. ($1)
Spotted a little zip lock bag in the remnant box, took this home and unpacked these blocks and fabric to match, all ideas welcome! (50 c)
At the last one I visited, I found this heavy cotton tab curtain, love the gingham edge. I am thinking about cutting it up into tea towels for the Church trading table in such a way that each has one gingham edge, but open to good ideas on that one too, over a 2 metre drop. The basket was a pick up there as well, girl can never have too many of them!
A few more shirts to top up the stock that has hardly depleted after 3 quilt tops, and a cute floral skirt that will cut up well for some shabby chic.
Have a great day, hope none of you Californians are getting too hot with all those fires on our TV, Tracey


  1. Hi Tracey,
    Congratulations to your winners! You've found some real bargains in your op shops (is that the same as thrift stores?)
    The fires here are in the southern part of CA about 500 miles (800 km) from here.
    Thanks for your kind thought re: my Grandpa. He's more comfortable today.

  2. OMG! I can't believe I won! I'm never lucky. Thankyou Tracey.

    Great finds at the charity stores. I did the same thing yesterday, only one find though.

  3. Looks like you've got a pretty terrific second hand store there! Great finds!

    Sorry your DD isn't feeling well again. Poor sweetie.

  4. Darn, did I miss another giveaway? lol My online craft show starts today if you want to pop by my blog for details. HUGS. Niki

  5. Congratulations to the winners!
    Great Op Shop finds. :)

  6. Tracey you're so lucky to have great shops near you! It's all rubbish here in Canberra - I think most people here sell anything of value on Ebay!

  7. Love that heavy cotton stripe - what will you make? A nice tote bag perhaps? I love scouting around in the Thrift Stores .... sometimes I get lucky and sometimes I come home with nothing.

  8. love the tea towel idea! I'm too north of the fires my thoughts and prayers for those south of me. Congrats to the winners!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!