Friday, October 26, 2007

Beautiful day today, the birds are singing, the flowers are out...and more importantly DD went to School!!! Yay, like a weight is lifted.

( pointless question for the day......I wonder why beautiful flowers like these would be called 'Pigface'?)

DD had another QXCI treatment yesterday and it improved her overnight, last week she only got 4 good days after the treatment, this time we are hoping for longer.

The words, "Mum, Mum, I'm better, get me to School" are music to any ears!

I even got time to have a back appointment for me and can now move my neck and shoulders without it hurting, double YAY! They all tell me that not sewing would help my dodgy back...but I wouldn't need my back if I couldn't sew...... I would be a crumpled sad thing hunched in my bed all day, moaning! So may as well keep sewing and happy!

My stitchery partner, the lovely Susan @ desertsky, finally received my parcel, a combination of tardiness on my behalf and mail catching up to her "on the road again" lifestyle.

So, I can post the full bag that I made her, rather than just the initial sneaky peak I gave you ages ago.

...the back

...and the front. many know, Susan makes a huge amount of charity quilts, especially Amhero ones, so i thought this adaption of a Nancy Halvorsten stitchery would suit her.

I played in the sewing room for a while today, will show you those results tomorrow, Tracey


  1. Tracey, these flower pictures are just gorgeous. How wonderful these would be as table placemats. Yay on DD going to school. And now it's the weekend already. Sigh. This year is going so quickly.

  2. How sweet! very clever use of the stitchery.

  3. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who wondered why such a pretty flower would be called a pig Great news on dd and school, and I love the bag you made for Susan.

  4. Ahhh now don't you think a pig's face is kind of cute sometimes? *s*

  5. Wow - gorgeous flowers. Especially since it is fall here, what a great burst of color!

  6. I love the flowers. Are those pigface ones the same thing we call zennia? They look the same to me. My mother always had them in her garden!

    I'm so glad your daughter is back in school! Hope this lasts longer. You made me laugh with your comments about sewing and your back. =)

    I love my bag! It's the best thing ever!

  7. I love the stitchery bag you made for Susan - the design on the bag is perfect!


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