Sunday, October 21, 2007

Judy's design challenge

Oops, apologies to Judy L. if she checked my blog on the 20th October, when we should have been showing design ideas for her challenge...and she found nothing.

Better a few hours late US time..(and a lot of hours late Australian time).....than never.

Judy initiated this idea to help people get confident with designing their own quilts, I jumped on board, after the fact, because I like a challenge with a new block...and I LOVE the fun of designing.

Other than Judy's Gratitudes, I have never really followed a pattern. I just make what turns up.

Judy's block to work with is here.

I started how I always start, by drawing up a grid, I even used the ruler today!!!

Here are a few other plans I found on the drawing board, the quilts they turned into are all on my archives, probably shown in the first month or two. There is 'Star Harvest', the plaid chook quilt from shirts and a baby quilt I did. They are just to prove that this is how I have always started off....and I am not just making this up and that I don't always use a ruler!

So I have a good play with the kids' pencils then I make the block to see how it looks. These are about 4 and a half inch blocks. And here is how they look next to the plan.

But, you know what comes next don't you-I start to play with my base blocks and that is when I find they could do this.......
and this........

and then this.....

And that is often the time I take pictures of the options and ask you consider the alternatives while I sleep.......quilting fairies I call you.... then I end up taking in all the ideas and working from there and hey presto, quilt is designed. Works like a charm and it is fuuuuunn, have a great day, Tracey


  1. I like the bottom one, depending on what you would put in the diamonds.

  2. What a great way to show us how you play with blocks. I agree with Joyce. I like the bottom selection as well.

  3. I like the plaid chook design the best. ;)
    I like what you've done with all of the designs -- but love the colors best.
    Good luck, and I can't wait to see your finished top.

  4. I just read your sidebar note about your photos--how nicely you phrased it! Glad to hear all the shearing is done and you might get a little "me" time--you deserve it!

  5. I like the first one best, very striking!

  6. Looks to me like you have met the challenge . . . I don't think I could pick a favorite - they all make such interesting secondary patterns.

  7. I thought I really wasn't struck with this block pattern until I saw the blocks set on point in the bottom picture - love em!!! be interested to see what you suggest to put between them

  8. Wow, I love them all. How clever you are.

  9. And what happens if you use the same block in the blank spots on that bottom one? Or what if you use a plain double four patch? Can you get a chain of white ones going, or does something else happen?

    I would really like the one that forms the squares, too, with edge blocks that are all half-squares, I think, sort of pointing out, like a half-x?


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!