Monday, October 15, 2007

Sorry, no blogging. Didn't even turn the computer on over the weekend, almost killed me!!
See this food-
Well it is sucking a high proportion of my time out of my day. Shearing is well and truly started here and this is just morning tea.
If you are very good I may take a few photos of my debonair shearers shearing some sheep in the next few days.
I have been doing some sewing,never got home from quilters until 1 am on Friday night...I couldn't last that long at a nightclub!! The shaggys and wall hanging are making progress, hopefully steal an hour on them tomorrow.
I have finished one thing, and improved another.
Here is the bag that I had to make for a friend, there are a few purses included as well. It is all ready to go in the mail tomorrow. I couldn't help but utilize the growing number of props I have at hand. I now have over 25 hatched out, with a good few clutches to come. There are chickens in all the nooks and crannys around here.
The bag on the right is the one from last weeks post with thinner handles and ric rac on the top.
Finally for tonight......can you guess what this is?
The answer will be included in my post tomorrow...which is also, coincedentally, my one year Blog-i-versary, who would have thought!! I wonder if I will have pr!ze!!! Bed calls, catch you tomorrow! Tracey


  1. The bags look great. The picture looks like a hatching egg.

  2. You have been busy Tracey, I couldn't imagine trying to feed hungry shearers. I would imagine they have a bottomless pit. Love your photo prop, very cute. The photo looks like someones finger in an already hatched egg shell.

  3. The bags are wonderful!! I love the mama and babies. I wonder what is hatching today???

  4. Well, it looks like a shell . . . but I'll skip out on the guess and just wait for the answer *s* Happy Bloggiversary!

  5. Happy blogiversary. I think it is an egg hatching but looks like the chick isn't quite developed. The bags ook great and like the props you used while taking it.

  6. Oh your props are as adorable as ever! They are sooo cute! And I love your bags with the little bag to match! But what I really wanted was some pizza and a cookie!

  7. love the props...........limiting chook numbers as don't have a supply of wheat this year.........they are soooooo cute.........great bags to and hope shearing finishes real soon........

  8. oh I love the chickens sooo cute I wish I had some but I live in town and cant boohoo
    your bags are beautiful .I think you have your finger in to something with that egg shell hehe
    congrats on your Bloggiversary
    have a fun day
    hugs Beth

  9. Wow! That's a lof of food. Shearing season must be very busy for you. I think you have another rooster or chicken hatching.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!