Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No, not my finger!!
And also not the official Blog-i-versary post either!! Just clearing a few photos from that so Blogger doesn't do a meltdown.

Will these help to answer the question?

You see this happens......all in my hand, over 2 minutes.

And then this happens.......oh is that a wing? Looks a litle large for a chicken?!!

After which this happens......

Welcome to the World, Khaki Campbell duckling.

And yes, the really clever viewers will realise that the beak is the wrong colour to be that of yesterday's egg. Well yesterday's was taken at 11 pm and the process to hatching stage takes hours ...so I did a bit of Martha "here's one I prepared earlier"/or the next morning!! and filled in the hatching gaps.

So, you want to see how the yellow beak (Pekin duck) turned out...I wont make you wait this time!

And to leave you with today...

Sometimes life is tiring, even when you are a duck!


  1. ohh sooo cute it is a duck hehe
    not a finger lol

  2. ooh, so cute when they're dry and fuzzy!

  3. They are soooooo cute. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.

  4. Thanks - that's one little girl's day brightened up in our house this morning :o) I quote 'Awwww they're sooooo cute!'

  5. Awwww. Who'da thunk those momma ducks would let you hold their babies like that.

  6. OMG - how cute! What fun you have at your home. DD is going to be so jealous of your DD.

  7. Oh my gosh that last picture is just tooo cute!

  8. Cool sequence of photos!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!