Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blog-i-versary day!!

One year ago today I had just finished shearing and was at a slight loose end.

I found Dawn's blog and loved that there was someone else "out there" who didn't really use patterns and sewed whatever and however they wanted. Then, of course, I wanted to comment and tell people how great their work was and the next thing I had a blog!

I remember I had as much trouble uploading photos that day as i have had today! The blog began with my kids in the canola...like the chooks that is always a preferred prop.

It would definitely be the only journal I have regularly kept, and who wouldn't when you get such lovely feedback- The only feedback I have ever had on a diary before was when Mum read what I had written once when I was a teenager...but we wont go there!

To commemorate this momentous occasion I packed the shearer's afternoon tea early and have pulled up 12 of my quilts from the past 12 months. I set a limitation that I had to have predominantly made them during the year. I suppose 12 isn't too bad, especially with it being the most horrendous health year we have ever had but I am not going there either.

For commenting on which of these "Top 12" (all blogger would allow!) is your favourite for the year, you will do in the pr!ze draw. Drawn next Sunday, Australian time, emailers welcome as well. (I'll enter you in the comments myself.)
All comments on all posts for the week will be entered.

#1 Joshua's birthday.

#2 George's birthday Chenille.

#3 Millie's doll quilt.

#4 Shirt quilt. (That my sister wants, so will get for Christmas.)

#5 The floral pink skirt from the Op Shop.

#6 Free pieced roses

#7 Zara's tractor quilt.

#8 Millie's birth.

#9 Gratitudes.

#10 Pink and green florals-yes, it still just needs that last border!

#11 DD's wall hanging/cuddle quilt.

#12 Four Season's swap

BYE! Tracey


  1. ooh this is soooo hard. They are all wonderful - and all have special meaning. I think I will go for #9 gratitudes - but that could be because I like the quilt with legs! OR maybe #11 because I am in the middle of doing a quilt with the same fabric so can relate to it. But I do like the shirt quilt and Millie's one too and ....
    Okay my vote is for #9 gratitudes ( who would have thought I could be so decisive?)

  2. as a long time subscriber to your blog I have to chose Joshua's quilt cuase I know how much that boy just loves that quilt. It was fun to read about the progress of you making it and him just couldn't wait till it was done and how much he loves that quilt.
    for me I love the gratitudes quilt...just love your color choices and the look of this quilt.

  3. It has to be number 5 for me, mostly because of the photo with the lambs! Congrats on one year of blogging!

  4. well I love them all but it is no 3 for me just Love it so soft and sweet
    congrats on 1 year I hope I am still blogging this time next year
    have a fab night
    hugs Beth

  5. Difficult choice but I think I like #1 the best. Congrats on your first year.

  6. Definitely Joshua's birthday quilt. A quilt that any little boy would love.

  7. hey congrats Tracey - I love the gratitude quilt but wow you have made such a differnt variety over the year..........take care and well done for the 12 months....blogland is a special place with so many wonderful people out there.........

  8. Happy blogiversary. It have been so nice to "meet" you here in blogland. I think I prefer #3 Millies doll quilt because I'm in a pink periode right now and I love hexagons.

  9. They're all so lovely but I think it has to be #4 for your sister - I have quite a few charity shop shirts awaiting dismantling and I really fancy the idea of making something using just them - so many quilts, so little time!

  10. Best of all, Gratitudes. But, Joshua is pretty special, because it has the name on it.

    Congratulations on your Blogiversary. Don't we all have FUN! I've been 'here' a little over one year, and am still as enthusiastic as ever - your blog was one of my first favorites!

  11. I think they are all wonderful, but I love the colours you used in Mille's doll Quilt, but I also love the one with legs....lol... Congrats on your 1st year, it's such a joy to come and visit with you and also get snippets of home.

  12. My favorite is #1 Joshua's Birthday quilt . . .just look how happy he is *s*


    I want to say that I think the choices are unfair...they are all too good to chose from.

    I would have to pick #5 - because of the lambs, with #2's rooster a close second. :^)

  14. I have to say that Joshua's quilt is my favorite, only because he looks SO So HAPPY with the quilt!!

    Happy Bloggiversary!!!

  15. Happy blogiversary, Tracey!!!! Hooray! You have kept us inspired and entertained for a year! Well done! I have a soft spot for the op-shop skirt quilt - (#5).

  16. Happy Blogaversary! I quite like #9...might have something to do with the legs poking out the bottom! :o)
    Had to smile when you mentioned your mom finding your diary. I hid mine so well that it wasn't discovered until after I was married and my parents found it and mailed it to me...I was mortified with the stuff I wrote!!!

  17. I wish you a very happy Blog anniversary. You have been very busy this last year and I like the fact that your projects are all so different. I have 2 favorites: #4 and #9. They are both scrappy! #4 for the original mill wings and the many plaids and #9 for the wonderful colour choice and placement. I am looking forward to your next year in blogland! Take care.

  18. You know it's got to be #4 the shirt quilt!

  19. Gidday Tracey - I'm with your sister, I like #4 the best - but I also like the roses (#6). And I *love* the shearer's morning tea but I guess that isn't in the vote...

  20. Happy Blogaversary!! I really like them all...I love the toes in #4 and of course I am very partial to #12!!! I think my favorite is Joshua's quilt because of the smile it brought to his face!!

  21. Happy anniversary! Hard decision, but I think I'll go for #9, Gratitudes, it really caught my eye!

  22. Boy this is a tough one!! I love three and nine. All of them are beautiful though! I love Josua's quilt...I love the fact that he appreciated it sooo much. It's just what you hope for when you're doing a quilt for someone, isn't it!
    Happy Blog-aversary!
    p.s. Finally sent something in the mail!!! Be on the lookout for it. :)

  23. My favorite is number #11. But they are all gorgeous.

  24. I vote for #9 Gratitudes. I agree with Giz though they are all wonderful. My first post and on you blogiversary


  25. I found your blog the other day and love it. Congratulations on one year of blogging - isn't it addictive...vbg. I have to say I love the shirt quilt, #4 gets my vote. I have been wanting to do one of these for ages (using shirts that is) but was a bit afraid to - you quilt is the inspiration I need. Look out Op Shops here I come....wicked grin.

    Another Aussie

  26. You are so talented Tracey that I love them all but I think the doll quilt is my favorite.

  27. Hello. All your quilts are just wonderfull. I loved them all, but number 11 hit my heart most. It was so funny with the grea stitchery and all the little ducks around.
    Happy one year of blogging. :-)

  28. They are all lovely, but I like number 7 - Zara's quilt the best.

    Happy blogiversary!

  29. I think the props in some of them are so funny! And I think 12 quilts in a year is a wonderful amount. I would have to say Gratitudes is my favorite! And I love the feet sticking out the bottom!

  30. 12 quilts in 12 months...that is fantastic. Happy anniversary...and you did realize the ORANGE hair was a MISTAKE!!! But thanks for not making me laugh. I loved all the quilts but especially No.5, I do love red and white quilts!

  31. Hi Tracey,
    Happy Blogiversary! How does one choose a favorite from all those beautiful quilts?
    I vote for the pink and green one. It looks like the same shades as my Franciscan wear china!

  32. I too love Joshuas quilt - the look on his face is priceless. So fantastic when our quilts are going to be loved. The picture of gratitudes is brilliant though with the bright blue wellies sticking out - lol ! Congratulations Tracey !!

  33. Congratulations of your first blogiversary! I vote for #1, Joshua's quilt, his smile on his face is just beautiful! Hard choice though to make though...

  34. Happy Blogoversary! Wooo hoooo! And well, you are going to make me choose which is my favorite? Cruel, cruel woman. I can't! I love the op shop skirt quilt. Those colors! And the pale pink doll quilt? Adorble! And Joshua's quilt -- just as much because of how much he loves it as because it's fantastic. I just can't do it -- I can't play favorites :0).

  35. I find myself drawn to #10, the pink and green one. Perhaps it's because I aim for green in just about every quilt I make! ;)

  36. That's a hard one, Tracey! They're all wonderful! But if I have to pick, then I think maybe Joshua's birthday quilt--and that's partly because Joshua's just so darn pleased in the photo! LOL! Congrats on your blogiversary!

  37. # 9 for sure.

    There isn't anything better than "realizing" your gratitudes.

    I'm happy you're in blogland, you have marvelous things to share..thanks!

  38. Oh this is too hard!! They are all so great. Can we vote for our favorite prop instead?? The quilts all look so great with the super props -- lambs, chooks, legs, etc. But I think I'll vote for #1, Joshua, because it's a quilt to love and play under and on and in and with... and the best prop of all, Joshua with his happy smile.

  39. Definitely a tough choice, but I have to go with Joshua's quilt. Maybe it's his smile in front of it, but I find it so appealing! I guess that's number 1? First runner up would be the roses.

  40. It was a difficult choice but I would say the very last one pictured is my favorite.
    Connie W


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