Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hatching Chickens, Part 2.

Ok, ok, I admit I was naughty and made you wait, but it was still a work in progress (a WIP as it were!!)

Where were we.....that's right, after about 6 hours of not so hard labour from the mother, (I could nearly go again if this was all labour entailed, especially if I was allowed to sew during the 3 weeks sitting on the eggs and people bought me food!!!).. but energy zapping effort from the chicken, we have reached this point-

And finally, the big reveal, which all comes quite quickly after 12 hours of persistence.

They come out completely exhausted, the heat energy from being sat on gets them over the line. Here is mother sneaking across to warm him up again, that is the chook version of Angelina clutching the latest child tightly to her as the flash goes off.
A last peek before I allow Mum to take over.

So, how did they turn out, Dad's impatient personality, Mum's 5 toes?. Well I wont leave you in suspense, when dry they look far different- look at the cute fluffy legs!

My DD has been having a huge amount of fun with them, the latest one hatched is in my loungeroom with a splint on it's funny leg....don't even ask! If I get motivated Lazarus may get his own entry...DS thinks he looks like a pirate with a wooden leg!!
Back to quilting soon!! Tracey


  1. My DD says you can always name him Capt.
    They were definitely worth the wait! :) Thanks!!

  2. Welcome to the new addition *s*

  3. Ohhhh, they are so adorable! I"ve said it before and I'll say it again - I want chickens!

  4. Oh how cute! I'm sure you are ALL having fun with those little things. Thanks for sharing with us. DD saw the earlier pics and I'll show her the rest in the morning.

  5. Fluffy AND cute. Perfect really!

  6. This reminds me of the baby geese in my neighborhood. I saw some hatching last year, the mom was so cute are she stretched out her wing as far as it would go to cover up her baby.

  7. Cute! I let a hen hatch eggs once. The first egg started to hatch and then the next time I checked it was gone! The second egg I looked at every few minutes and caught the hen eating the baby and it was terrible! I was tramatized and never have done that again. I know it was a fluke, but it seems so easy just to buy the pullets. But it IS so cute to see the mommy and babies pecking around the farmyard.

  8. They are so adorable once they fluff up! So, so cute!

  9. I always enjoy your "barnyard" type posts. The chick is so fluffy and cute.
    Now: do you raise them for their eggs or to be sold as poultry?

  10. I admit I skipped down the bottom so see the cute fuzziness, which there certainly is lots of.

  11. How fun to see the little guys emerge! They usually have a hatching table at the state fair, and it's always super crowded! What amazes me is how such scrawny, bony looking little guys turn into cute little balls of fluff! LOL! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  12. Oh my goodness what a fabulous set of photographs. I've never ever seen that, thank you so much for sharing. It really gives a whole meaning to "coming out of your shell" huh?

  13. how adorable and beautiful pictures!


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