Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hatching chickens. Part 1.

Bit busy around here, managed to do some sewing today with a neighbor, working on 4 shaggys and a wallhanging as Minister's family farewell gifts, but there isn't really good progress to show. So if you only want quilts, tune in next post, because all of the real action today is with the camera in the chookyard.

And, do we have action!! The first chicken for the season is about to hatch, (almost) live here on the Net.

First, meet the excited parents,- the Mother, whose name we will change to Dora, to protect the innocent! She is half silky and half pekin bantam, but we have no issues with half and half here, adds to the variety!

The Father, anxiously stalking along the edge of the dome, waiting for news, he is Tommy, all Buff Pekin bantam. (And very buff I may add!)

And here is the equivalent of the ultrasound photo, the first indication that there is something in there.

And a few hours later, after the camera woman has worked out her other macro setting....

And, (no-one said this birthing was quick!) here is a few hours after that...... do you think it wants to get out??

Tune in next time to discover whether the increasingly anxious Archie manages to jump in and commit Hari Kari, whether the chook has a nervy over the paparazzi televising the birth, or whether we successfully hatch out cute as a button little chickens! You never know what the answer will be around here!

Let me at 'em!!


  1. That is soooo neat!!! I can't wait to see pics of the "all hatched" chick!

  2. OMG - how could you? Leave me waiting until your next post wasn't very nice Miss Tracey!!! LOL How amazing that you're able to capture this for us all to see. DD will love this .... I'll show her in the morning before she goes to school.

    I'll be back to see what happened next.

  3. I'm just wondering if those little chooks are going to imprint on you and think you are the mommy!

  4. I had forgotten how long it took for one of these wee ones to break out of their shell. hope you have lots of fluffy little ones there now!

  5. Well done with the camera....great hatching shots. Love some of your other photos in previous posts too.

    Ah cooking for shearers....I used to do that a long time ago...I was always amazed how much they could eat and still bend over.

  6. What a great and fun post! Now I really look forward to part two! Naughty you to keep us waiting!

  7. sooooooooo do we have babies yet???? love the pics........

  8. I tuned!! Do you have lots of babies yet?? :)

  9. what a lovely post - totally makes up for no quilty photos

  10. Oh how cool! I can't wait for part 2!!!

  11. How nice, I can already see that the chick looks much like the mother! Well there is always an aunt who is bound to say silly things at a newborn, so let me be it! Looking forward to seeing more. Take care.

  12. What great progression of photos - can hardly wait for the next installment . . . a cliffhanger, for sure *s*


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