Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Great School/Kinder fundraising idea.

Recently finished one of the jobs on my list.

People are always looking for good fundraising ideas, well for the last 6 years, ever since my girl started 3 yo Kinder, I have made the fundraising cushions. The thing is, it has been a couple of years since any of my kids went to Kinder but I am still "fortunate" to have this job!

I make 5 cushions, 3 are for the 3 yo Kinder groups, around 50 cm X 50 cm. I make them in plain calico, then the kids each draw a picture from fabric textas and the year and group details are added. The Four year old Kinder groups get about a 75 cm square cushion, same deal, drawing on both sides.

For the money making side of this you need an event. The Kinder holds an Art Show on a Saturday morning, where the kids' art is displayed, morning tea is sold, the kids perform a few songs, there are a few market stalls and it culminates in an Auction of the cushions. The cushions have been known to reach close to $300 each in a highly competitive year, not uncommon for the 4 year old ones to make more than $200 in a general year. So this little Saturday morning event is a handy money maker and only really difficult for the person who doesn't love zips!

Here are the 4 yo cushions prior to this morning's delivery, imagine them with their correct size inserts and a lot of coloured pictures and you pretty much have the idea!

Paraphrase of a quote that I read once and love,

"It will be a wonderful World when Government's have to fundraise to have a war, but Schools and kindergartens have all the funding they require."

1 comment:

  1. How very true your quote at the end is - add hospitals and medical aid to the school side of the equation and you have it just about right - makes you think!


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