Friday, September 07, 2007

Why is this so hard?
Thank you for all the comments about the kids health, specifically my girl, she is still going well and has done 4 days of school this week. A 3-4 month record I would think.

I have made 3 quilt tops and assorted other things in the last month and you would think a simple Four seasons quilt shouldn't be just too hard then? You would be wrong! I battled to pick the colours, now I am unsure about the top. It is trickier than you think making something for someone you don't know. I can tell she is very nice...(like all quilting bloggers!)....but there is still the pressure of trying to get it perfect and not disappoint her..sigh. Anyway, maybe you can give me some assistance as here is how I am going so far.

Used the Sonnet range, which is a big enough print that doesn't need to be over pieced. I want it in a pattern that lends itself to table centre, seeing it is only to be 12-16 inches in size.

So here is idea 1-

Idea 2-

Idea 3-

I wont tell you my preference, I want untainted views!
I am also open to putting each block end to end for a table runner, didn't take that photo but looks quite nice.
Also made a bag today, I have to work out how to make a specific order so this is my practice piece, it has to have a zip-"Bah humbug"!! So hence the practice. (Therefore it is not officially something that was off the "Have to" list!!!)

And I finished off Milly's name banner to give to her grandma at Quilter's tonight. favourite night of the month! Should I take my camera for you, in case there is progress since retreat?

Two funny stories today, well, kind of funny eventually! DS is ok but not at school, still grumpy and cuddly (calling me the "cuddle machine!"-pleased I am useful for something!)

Today he felt like an icypole and as we were out he headed over to see how his Grandma was...Ha!- back very quickly to tell me Grandma was sitting in her chair, not breathing , talking or moving...dead!! No, I did not wimp out and call my husband to come back from the paddock, I went over and hesitantly opened the door after which she jumped in surprise and I jumped even higher!! Needless to say, not dead.

I went back and told my boy who said ok, he's go back for the icecream (how pleased I am that he had not grabbed one before coming to tell me she was dead, I like to think they are raised with some semblance of sensibility).....any way, he was gone for a while, I was happily sewing then decided a good mother would check his location, thought for a further peaceful minute or two about which type of mother I was today, then checked.

No boy at Grandma's, no boy answering increasingly indignant/panicky screams of his name, one Archie dog who is usually with him and just as this time I AM about to call his father to commence the search party, I thought I would check the house. Yep, you have guessed it, sound asleep in his bed! Now I haven't seen the human dynamo have an afternoon sleep since 2003, so I still can't work out what made me look.

Blissfully, he is still there now.

Now, a good mother may wake him soon, so that he goes to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight, but, heck, I'll be gone to quilters and you can't be a good mother all the time!!


  1. I love idea one... the fabrics are beautiful...

  2. I like idea 3 the best with idea 1 a close second. Funny story about losing your son. That happened to us a couple of times. Who would think of looking in bed in the middle of the afternoon?

  3. My vote is for #3. Poor Grandma - LOL. Hope you had a good evening.

  4. My vote #3. Love the stories about grandma and son. Life does funny things to us from time to time.

  5. When I first looked at No. 1 and then No. 2, I felt they looked imbalanced, and was not quite sure why. Maybe because the lights were all one side. As soon as I saw No. 3, it looked balanced and symmetrical, to that's my choice, especially for a table.

    Also, the lighter sashing gives it a brightness, which I personally find appealing. The fabrics are lovely, but there is not enough contrast until you added that light sashing. Just MY HUMBLE OPINION! 8-)

  6. I like #3 the best with #1 in second place. Funny about your DS!!

  7. I like #3 too with #1 a close second...

  8. I like #3 and love your blog!

  9. I am deliberately not looking at the other comments so i am not influenced - I like no 3 ! Love the story about your son and grandma !

  10. I really like option three with all the green trianglers to the centre (btw - I picked this before reading everyone else's choices

  11. I'm up for Idea 1. Funny story with your son. He does sound like a hoot.

  12. Wow, am I the only one who picks Two? I have a leader -ender project of this very block and like it because you expect it to be symmetrical and it's not. I think I have a little square in the centre though, have to dig it out and have a look. I'm the lone voice crying in the wilderness, obviously.
    I laughed and laughed at the story of your boy and grandmother. Yes, that would have been a worry if he'd got the icecream anyway.You must be raising him right!

  13. I will add my voice. #3 is my favorite with #1 second, but a smart swap partner will love whichever you choose! It is hard making something for someone else!

    Great stories about the boy and his grandma.

  14. Love the stories about your son--especially the "dead" grandma! ROFLOL!

  15. I like number three. What would #3 look like without the sash?

  16. I like #3. I also like your purple heart piece.

    I hope you kids are feeling better soon.

  17. LOL...goes right along with my favorite saying these days "Let sleeping babies (or toddlers) lie"

  18. Probably the shock of seeing a "dead body!"


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!