Sunday, September 09, 2007

A few quilts for you and more "fun" for me!

Great feedback from you about my Autumn swap, thanks! Loved all the comments from "new" visitors as well. Will probably get some time to work on it again in the next day or two ...but that is it's own story.....

Had tired children yesterday, I took them down to my parent's for belated father's day celebrations and it really seemed to tire them out. Great, I thought, early to bed for them and I may get to spend some time with their father, but as regular readers know, I should never makeplans!

It is 7 pm here right now and I think I may have managed an hours sleep somewhere in the night, between wetting facewashers, trying to tip panadol down a recalcitrant 7 year old's throat, holding the bucket and dealing with the "sand" and the "sand band" that was at some imaginary place a delirious 9 year old went to when her temp. hit 40 degrees...think that was around 2.35 am!!

They are both very flat today, general reports seem to be that this awful flu can last up to 3 weeks and keep coming back. Oh well, DD did manage a nearly 4 days of school this week!

Needless to say, romance is a long way down the list!! And the only sewing today was a lightweight nighty for a hot daughter.

I can't ever remember signing on for 12 months of daughter's chronic tummy pain, then the chesty flu, then the temperature flu, but obviously next time I will have to take a more careful peek at the fine print! No, really, they will be fine,.... and the good news is that I took some pics for you at Quilters.

Robyn has finished her kit, I think it is the Vintage Holiday range. Used 5(?) inch squares and jelly rolls.
Helen got her son's back form the Australian version of the longarmer. Cross hatching in the squares and something else was in the rest! It is flannels.
Thought you may like this wall hanging that Helen received from her group when she left Queensland years ago.
And finally, Robyn was Kerrin's birthday buddy and as Robyn had the enforced 2 weeks in the house with her kid's flu, she whipped up these beautiful angels. Had to get a photo for you (remember if you click on the pics they enlarge)-no idea on pattern details but could probably get them if there is, off to dose kids and go to bed! Tracey


  1. I hope all the sick kids are better soon. The quilts from your group are wonderful.

  2. Love the photos - especially the square-in-a-square flannel. So simple yet so attractive. I am so sorry to hear about DD and DS being ill again - my goodness, you're having a really tough time of it. Perhaps now that your cooler weather is disappearing perhaps all the germs will disappear as well - I hope so!

  3. What a wonderful show and tell - so fun to see what others have been working on.
    I do hope those kids are feeling better soon. I had 'tummy' troubles as a girl and know it is NO FUN!

  4. The quilts are wonderful!! Love the color choices in all of them.
    Praying your kids get well soon!

  5. Great quilts! the angels are adorable, what a great gift idea.

  6. You're right Tracey - no-one ever tells you all this at ante-natal classes!

  7. Hope your kids get better soon. There's a famous line in my family. Once all 4 of us kids and my mom were sick. My dad was up in the night taking care of all the crises and moaned aloud "How did I ever marry into this family!?"

  8. Great quilts and cute angels.
    I sure hope the kids get better soon, and you can get some sleep.

  9. Love the pics of the quilts.
    Your por kids, they seem to be having a torrid time of it at the moment. I hope they get well soon and give you a break.

  10. Thanks for sharing the quilt pics. The angels are just too darling for words!


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