Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Picking up the crumbs
It often amazes me that just when you are getting seriously concerned about a situation and think you may not be able to cope any more, you see the light at the tunnel.
I specifically remember this with labour, thinking, "I may have to tell someone I don't think I can do this, this really hurts!!", and then remembering with the next one when I got to that stage that there is only about a minute to go!!!
Back to the real story....On Monday my daughter was about as bad as she gets with her health and tummy. I haven't discussed it much, 'cos what are you going to say?-even her legs were feeling numb (!!???) Then yesterday she brightened up enough that we ran her into school for half a day and, huge news, she has headed off for School on the bus this morning singing and dancing, believe me her parents feel like doing that as well! Her colour really looks good today and there was no mention of anything even mildly associated with life is good!

Now, if we could only get two to go on the same day then I could get some serious sewing done! Her brother is improving from the flu and is just at the cuddly, achy stage, we have just watched Bob the Builder together and he is curled up under his tractor quilt and asked for some peace and quiet! Know he's sick then!

Great mail this week!!! My stitchery arrived from Anne at Quilting Bebbs. I love it! I have photographed it under a number of different conditions but nothing really does the gorgeous purples justice. Thank you to Anne and to Sweet P Paula who organized the swap.

My Country threads and Country Craft and Decorating came as well, there went a good hour with a coffee.

Thought you may like to see the crumb progress, I took a photo of it with my other shirt quilts for posterity. I am just about to have a shirt rest to finish off some other projects with deadlines, but Joshua's needs to be presented next week so I had better give it some attention.

Thanks to Tonya whose quilts remind me that all the details do not need to be on the back. I am thinking picnic rug after this gets some kind of border. There are quite a few of the slightly smaller crumb blocks to go, they will get the red sashing and be their own quilt..but don't tempt me, I HAVE to finish some other stuff! have a great day, Tracey


  1. Oh Tracey - what a lot of "ups and downs" you're having with DD. I just can't imagine dealing with it all. Glad she made it to school and sorry that her brother is home with the flu.

    Love the stitchery you got from Ann! And I'm totally jealous of those magazines!

    The crumb quilts are great - the red makes them "pop".

  2. Hi. So glad your daughter is doing better! Hope your son is better soon, too. Love all those quilts. The crumbs are great!

  3. hurrah, you daughter is feeling good!! that's excellent. I love how that crumb quilt top turned out. And you put your initials in there and the year. that's fantastic. and what sweet chooks.

  4. Glad it arrived safely :o) Love those shirting crumbs

  5. You lucky thing being Anne's swappee! And great work on your crumb top. SO good to hear your daughter's feeling better just for DS...

  6. So glad your daughter was feeling better today!!

    Don't you have problem with those roosters? I either end up with them chasing me, or hurting the hens.

  7. Well thats good news your DD is well again, shame the little man is still unwell. I hope he picks up soon.

    Your quilts look great.

  8. My heart goes out to you... Motherhood is definitely not for sissy's. I love your treasures in the mail.... The crumb quilts rock--- I even showed my son...

  9. It's called 'Transition' in labour, and I often relate that to various life situations.Wonder if men ever understand this feeling?
    Love your chooks and quilts photos, they sorta go together somehow. Who'd think of using chooks as 'props'?Your crumb pieced quilts are beautiful, real country-style.
    Hope your kids health woes continue improving, I'm sure you'd be busy enough without that on your plate as well.

  10. Glad that DD is feeling better, hope she continues to feel good for a long time.

    I've bought those magazines, though not those editions to read while I'm in labour...

  11. Your poor girl, I can't even imagine what this does to her, and to the whole family. I'm glad she had a good day. Love the photographs you do of your quilts together with life in the country, they ought to be in a magazine or a coffee table book!!

  12. I am glad that your children are starting to feel better. It takes a lot of worrying energy to take care of them.
    The stitchery is so beautiful. Purple is my favorite color once again.


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