Monday, August 20, 2007

Hey, he mustn't be dead.........
Found the new duet of "in the Ghetto" with Elvis and Lisa Marie and couldn't resist posting the link.( Click on the song name.) The video is a bit stop starty on my computer but it's still well worth a look and listen. Scary thing is their similar eyes...and I am not sure I would want my eyes looking quite that similar to Elvis' in his Las Vegas phase!


  1. Dang, it no longer is available. I wanted to see!

  2. hahahahaha!!! I love that you found it!! That is our theme song over here! Every time I step out my door I think of that song!

  3. The new version was played on TV over the weekend and it was good.

  4. Don't you just love it? I found it last week because it's one of my all time favourite Elvis songs.


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