Friday, August 17, 2007

The continuing story ........
Now, who have we left???

Kerrin, another of our newer quilters, working on her version of post and rail.

This is Sue's. Made entirely from stash, it is for her soon to arrive potential step grandchild!!!(Yes, that is a mouthful!) It is mainly hand quilted. Well worth a click to look at more closely.

Christine was finishing a few things for her sister who is struggling a little with arthritis. Chris didn't think she would have any problem with sharing this beautiful quilt with you. It has been long arm quilted at a town about an hour from here.

Christine also had another finish to share........
I love the simple pattern and colours here. It is beautiful in real life.

On the day before I left I received some fabric from Jenni at Fairybread. The transit looked perfect for a single bed quilt for my Godson who turns 4 next month so I combined it with the shirt fabrics and went to work. He is one of 7 so I enjoy going to some extra trouble for him at birthdays and Christmas. His entire family(all 9) have the flu at present so are being fed by the neighborhood, lucky they like my soup!

Here it is in the wind at the beach, and with a few additions, here it is now.

Yes, I know everything I stuffed in bags at the end of the retreat needs a good iron and this also needs a red strip above the "Tracey version of Tonya's lettering" but I am not feeling that energetic, I will only have to iron it again in a week or two to baste anyway. It is a generous single bed size.

Need your advice on the next one. This pink and green baby quilt is from 2 scrap bags (i am going to get so many projects out of each scrapbag!) I like it without the ADA lettering and I like the ADA lettering by itself but I am not sure about them together. ADA could just become a name wall-hanging and the quilt could be separate


It is for the baby of one of the 3 sisters whom I spent a good few years babysitting in my teens. Megan gave birth to Ada 10 weeks early as a result of pre-eclampsia but she is going very well now.

Have another couple of my quilt tops still to show you from the weekend but Blogger is getting antsy so I will keep them for next time.


  1. I haven't caught up on reading so am just commenting on photos... is this where you live or is this some special place in Paradise you go to for quilting? What a perfect place to quilt, enjoy the ocean, and take fantastic pictutres!

  2. Wow, what great quilts! Thanks so much for sharing all of these. I love your scrap bag quilts! With ADA - what if you used a green around it instead of a pink? I think there's too much pink on the top - it's unbalanced from the rest of the quilt. My opinion. =)

  3. Great quilts! Your group is a bunch of outstanding quilters.

  4. Oooh, I'm ready to go on the beach and quilt retreat! Joshua's quilt looks fantastic - loads of fun. I think the ADA isn't working so well because it's a square quilt. Needs a year or something on the left or right side to bring it into square again. or a word or date on each side. Just my opinion...

  5. The quilt for your godson is really cute. Personally I'd use the letters as a wall hanging as I think the quilt blocks work well on their own.

  6. "soon to arrive potential step grandchild" - yep, that sure is a mouthful!!

    Love Joshua's quilt - very, very good quilt for a little fella.

    I think you're right - the ADA could be a wallhanging. Lovely.

  7. Boy, you sure have been posting lately! And where have I been? Under a rock? I'm getting caught up this weekend and wanted to say I've enjoyed your "quilt shows." Love, love, love Joshua's quilt--that turned out great!

  8. What a beautiful quilts!!!
    Kind Regards,


  9. Hi over there!! I love all the pictures of the quilts!! I just finished the meme you tagged me with a hundred years ago. :)
    happy quilting!

  10. You're a dynamo Tracey - I can hardly keep up just reading. All the quilts from the retreat are great, and I like what you did with the transit fabric. Glad you had a nice birthday, and keep well - this Flu going around is nasty.

  11. Joshua's quilt is super! i'm sure he's going to love it.

    How about putting ADA on the back of the quilt somehow?

  12. Love the bear quilt. Can you share where you found the pattern for the sweet bears? You can visit my site to let me know. I am sure I'll forget to come back here to check the response. lol. :)

  13. Oh thanks for all the fun pics!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!