Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Time just flies by here.

A funeral and a letter both bought a tear to my eye today, but for entirely different reasons.

The funeral should have been of the happier kind, I know he was 83, with lots of cancer and his passing was peaceful, but it still makes me sad when you see the family upset and hear the tributes and think about their loss-it really doesn't matter if they were close to me or not, it's still sad.

The letter was actually also in a parcel, and you know how I love those! It was from my lovely friend Suse, for my birthday...and yes, I will share!!!

Suse and I have such similar taste-I absolutely love these, sweet girl!!
The letter was the tear jerker, but in the nicest possible way! Hope you come back soon Suse!

Suse's gifts are Nancy Halvorsten designs. To the Manor Born was an ebay buy that also came today...along with a few episodes of the Lone ranger for DS!- a few hours of sewing pleasure there!

I found another photo when uploading Suse's.These are some more gifts I received at my quilter's birthday and from Sweet P for pay it Forward. I know you are always looking for good stitchery/gift ideas so I thought i had better share.

Sweet p's is the needle case, Kath was the chook stitchery,(click for close-up) Robyn the card (she says I'm going to end up the blonde!!!!) and the chook cannister and Chris was the gorgeous fabric!
Enough of that, here is some more work done at retreat. Recognize those blades anyone? (Oh, sorry about the foot!)
I am keeping this at about this size (single bed width) ready for just the right little person whose name I can add to the top for a big bed quilt.
Ada became a little wall hanging, well I gave them instructions on where to unpick if they fancied more of a bolster look as well.
I made another little name banner at retreat, this is for Kath's grand-daughter...until Ada I have made nothing but Millie's for months it seems! A pink button will be the dot for the i.
This one needs a trim up and a border and will look quite cute..I hope.
DD managed half days the last 2 days but down again today...busy watching the 10 Commandments! She will end up having to go singing and visiting at the old people's home tomorrow with the Church ladies if she isn't careful...but I think she actually likes that so I had better not make that a threat! I hope the poor people don't have their hearing aids on if I am singing! I will be quiet at the back! Cheers, tracey


  1. Great gifts and name banners. The single bed quilt looks wonderful. I used to love watching To the Manor Born - great series!ho

  2. You are so sweet. What little girl wouldn't love to have one of those name banners. love the colors and all those plaids in the single bed quilt blocks.

  3. What great gifts -- and those name banners are lovely. Ada (and Ada's mum) will love it!

  4. Love those name banners . . . a perfect gift for a little one *s* Enjoyed seeing all the treats you received in the mail - the stitchery is a hoot!

  5. So much to comment on...

    Such nice gifts...from yourself and others. lol!

    The name banners are so cute and I really like the plaid quilt. Nice job!

  6. Nice to have a peak at your mail. At least it went some way to cheering you up ! Love the plaid quilt top. I think I need to get some plaids - lol !

  7. The name banners are great and so are the gifts. Love the look of the Angels Among Us book.


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