Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A spot of shopping...

A few weeks worth actually. I have been meaning to put up some pictures but yesterday's purchases finally spurred me to action.

Yes, that is a Rebecca Barker Mouse Pad!! Regular readers may know I love her pictures and even though this wasn't cheap it still had to come home and replace the previous scribbled on one. The bag of wool embroidery threads was a steal at $5 at the Op shop...now what will I do with it?......


When I went to Melbourne with DD I went to my favourite book warehouse, here is a hint of purchases. The Quilter's resource book is my favourite of all my quilting books and when I found it for $25 I rang my friend Robyn and then bought it for her as well. The Quilting book to the left looks great but I have put that away in the stash my husband will conveniently find in time for my birthday in a few weeks. Self sufficiency may stay here and may go on to a friend-I like the theory but 2000 acres may be a litle big for just feeding us!!

'Too soon old-too late smart', aint that the truth! (if I could only take back....nah, I wouldn't take anything back,good or bad it all adds to who you are.) Hopefully a little future wisdom in there. Gluten free cookbook as I still have a funny feeling DD will have to go that way.....Boy books- proof that 7 year olds can grow up intact and hopefully even quite good (a little bit of reinforcement there for the mother!)

Purchases yesterday (at my LQS no less!) The end of their sale but still some useful metres, a good gold/yellow can add a lot of zap but is hard to come by.

Here are the scrap bags I have picked up from there, usually $10 but I sent Mum in during the sale and I think I may be getting some for my birthday! The little bookmark was fox and geese and reminded me of my life!

Used the money for selling some bags to buy the shop out of their last 2 metres of plastic coated Moda, in 3 colourways. (Not on sale!)

The last photo is not on sale and probably never will be (much to my hubby's disgust!) It reminds me of the old Sesame St. song, one of these things is not like the other, one of these things isn't the same.......That is my little black merino, very unusual for merinos to have black lambs around here. I am going to claim it for felting or even for knitting bloggers, so DH will just have to cope with it in his flock, how will I go with that, I wonder! Better go and butter him up by having tea cooking, have a great day!Tracey


  1. Tracey you and your friend Robyn are going to love that book.
    It is a wonderful book , lots of inspiration in mho!
    can't wait to hear what you think about it.
    Kathie in nJ

  2. Yummy fabrics and I love that mouse pad!

  3. Wow you have been a busy little shopper. Love your fabric buys, and that lamb is just adorabe.

  4. Lots of reading in your future. Love that little black sheep.
    Reminds me of the song Grandma used to sing "Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
    Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! One for my master, and one for the queen and one for the little girl who lives down the lane!"
    I hadn't thought of that song in years....

  5. You bought some great stuff Tracey. I have that book too and often look through it at the old quilts. Love your little lamb.

  6. Oh, yes, I can see you've been working hard at all that shopping! LOL! Great stuff there, including your little sheep. Tell your husband that we all agree you need to keep him! (The sheep, that is. You can keep the husband too if you want! LOL!)

  7. I like the new look on your blog Tracey. And the look of all that new fabric!

    The little black lamb is so cute. He will have nice wool!

  8. Love all your purchases. My two vices, books and fabrics. hehehe...and here I thought I was having good shopping karma!

  9. All the purchases look great, but I think the scrap bags are a fabulous idea.

    Your little black lamb is too cute for words.

  10. What wonderful and yummy goodies you have bought. Isn't shopping fun?

  11. Looks like you have done some fabulous shopping lately - LOVE IT! Your little lamb is just as cute as can be . . . we love to sing that song around here, too.

  12. Lots of goodies! That lamb is precious. Thanks for sharing!


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