Sunday, July 01, 2007

They are not just different genders, they are different species....
A 9 year old girl is a lovely thing, (in general.) At parties she happily decorates cakes and biscuits and dresses her babyborn. I know that 9 is starting to be the beginning of the end for this but it is nice to see while it continues....

Decorating cakes for baby born.

Baby born has "Happy Birthday" sung to her, she is 7 as well, she came to the hospital when DS was born and has been well loved ever since, hence the cake and candles, she even received presents!

A 7 year old boy is a completely different thing, they need someone to jump on, something (preferably gross) to slide in, something to climb in and sticks and things to throw/drag or burn, especially when a crazy mother has picked them all up from the confines of their classroom on the last day of term.

Fortunately, while it occasionally drizzled at the birthday party, it didn't actually pour so plenty of marshmallows met an early incinerated end and a football also met the same fate but between the bonfire, games that involved instructions like 'run a kilometre to that piece of machinery and count the sewing tynes' (how many are there kids?)
and a great dad that played football

with them in the middle of the paddock, (successfully turning them all black) ....then consuming the spooky castle cake (with cool candles that had flames the same colour as the candle) and the party was termed a success!
And if the owner of the Birthday child had to sit down and consume several beverages when the last of the 19 little darlings was picked up then that will never be mentioned again!
For getting to the end of the party post I will share this little colour play, using a couple of recent purchases, has potential I think. Have a great weekend, tracey


  1. Angel Candles!!!! Where did you get them round here? Or on the net? I've been looking. My step-daughter had them in her birthday cake too, they were just wonderful, but I never got round to asking where they got them from.

    Sounds like it's been a fabulous few days, I bet you're ready to sleep for a week! Cherish these years, cause soon enough there'll be groans about "oh why can't I get a piercing, why can't I get a tattoo, I want to dye my hair purple" and then they spend longer in the bathroom than you do and the clothes get skimpier, and ... well ... cherish these years! LOL

  2. sound like they have had a wonderful time and just think they are all gone now but it will be talked about for ages.....we are so lucky we live where we live and can have fires and let them run wild to let of extra energy and it doesn't cost us a fortune (except for the food they eat)....boys and girls are just so different.......enjoy some extra was worth it....enjoy the school holidays.......

  3. What a fantastic cake! Sounds like the kids had a wonderful time -- and the parent who maybe had a drink or two after all of them left, well, she deserved it! I know I would have been looking longingly at the drinks cabinet during the middle of the festivities -- wouldn't have done it, but that's where I would have been looking.

    Love that block too. It has wonderful potential!

  4. Wow what a lot of fun - but exhausting!!!

    Well done mum on the spooky cake :)

    And I love your oversize spots fabric - I was eying some off today at my LQS but had no idea how much to buy or what to use them in so I chickened!

  5. Great photos - thanks for sharing, brings back memories... Love the block at the end...

  6. Different as night and day - but look at the fun they bring. Sounds like a great day for family, guests and dolly, too *s*

  7. My heart is palpitating in fear, watching ALL those kids in one place! LOL - you and DH are brave people. Thanks for the reminders of farm machinery, (oh yeah, and of the hordes of kids).

  8. What a super mum you are!! Both parties(or was it one?) look fabulous and as if everyone had a marvelous time.
    Very creative approaches..! Love the care, and so happy that the mum got a little 'treat' also..*VBS* Hugs, Finn

  9. Looks like a fun party (for both)! These last few years with the dolls may be fleeting. It seems that in no time they're teens..

  10. Wow Congratulations Tracey for surviving that! Testosterone is a funny thing, isn't it? You can't tell me that behaviour is learned.

  11. So funny, Tracey! Better you than me, I say! Been there, done that (except we didn't have a farm to burn things up on and machinery to count!). Lovely cake--very creative!


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